15; may we all die twice

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Sully walked into the snug, her shoulders down as she took sight of Danny's dead body on the table. He was cold now, blood still spreading on his body. She cleared her throat as she stepped next to Tommy, the dead body's presence making her both uncomfortable and sad.

"Now we can bury him properly," John said slightly, his head down from grief. "In the grave we dug for him."

"Yeah, it's high on the hill," Tommy confirmed, a sad smile flashing on his lips. "He'll like that." He grabbed a bottle of whiskey next to him, opening it quietly, before he lifted, making a toast in the memory of his friend.

"May we all die twice." As she thought about that sentence, Sullivan took a sip of alcohol before passing the bottle to Arthur, whom of which drank straight, then passing the bottle, and so on. The bottle passed through every hand, everyone taking a sip of alcohol for Danny.

"The day is ours," Tommy then announced, "let's celebrate."

Sully sighed as she watched the boys leaving the snug, starting to smile again as they were speaking about how they could celebrate their victory and friend's life. As the blonde walked to the counter, Arthur grabbed her shoulder and shook his head, a wide smile on his face.

"You're not working," he said. "You're drinking with us, that's all you're doing today." The girl shrugged, following Arthur at a table, looking around to find Tommy, but since the man was nowhere to be found, she stood up, informing the boys that she was going outside. As she stepped in the cold hair, she shivered, her hair floating around her head because of the slight wind.

It was a beautiful night, without rain. The sky was clear, so people could see the stars above them. She watched them for a second before a pair of arms were wrapped around her waist, startling her. She relaxed when she sensed Tommy's lips on the top of her head as he watched the stars with her silently. She didn't speak, letting themselves enjoy the beautiful sight, before he sighed.

"You see that one?" she asked as she pointed a star above them. Tommy hummed, making her smile. "That's Danny's. And next to her, the brightest one, it's yours. Always shining." He chuckled as she turned around, her cheek resting on the side of the chest that wasn't injured. She shivered once again and he held her tighter, making her sigh of happiness.

"You were fucking idiot earlier," he then said. "With Ada."

"That wasn't stupid, but brave," she replied. "Did you really think that me and Ada would stay at home, waiting for you to get killed?"

"They could've killed you," Thomas responded, brushing a blond strand of hair from her cheeks.

"So what?" she asked, lifting to look into his eyes. "You would've killed him right after, so the finality would be the same. Plus, I have seven lives, like cats."

"No," he assured, tightening his grip on her waist. "No, because you wouldn't be there anymore. I can bury anyone, but not you, at least not because I put you in danger."

"I take you with everything that's surrounding you," she reassured, her hands caressing his cheeks. "Your mess is bloody mine, Tom." He chuckled and leaned forward, kissing her lips softly. He then pulled back, watching at the sky one last time before he looked down at her again, a smile on his lips.

"Let's get you inside," he said, grabbing her hand and interlacing their fingers, dragging her with him. "You're bloody freezing." She nodded as he pushed her into the Garrison, everybody looking at her.

"Hey guys," she called. "What're you drinking?"

"Whiskey of course," John answered, rolling his eyes at her. She snorted, sliding behind the bar. She heard Tommy scoffed at the other side of the counter as he called his family to join them. As she stood up, holding a full bottle of champagne, the boys cheered, making her lift the bottle in the air with a faint laugh.

"Don't break it, eh," Arthur advised. Sully scoffed, putting the bottle on the counter slightly, turning around to grab glasses for all of them. As Tommy poured them the delicious alcohol, the woman watched the people she loved the most smiling at each other. Arthur made a toast, and they all drank at it before they started to chat happily with one another. She leaned against the furniture that was holding the many alcohols and glasses of the pub, sipping slowly to her champagne. Pol slid behind the bar, stopping herself next to the blonde, her eyes settling on her nephews.

"What's on your mind?" the eldest woman asked. Sully startled out of her thoughts, turning her head to her friend with a light smile.

"I'm so lucky to know all of you," she stated. "I bless the day I bumped into you every morning." Polly chuckled, smacking the girl's arm as she remembered the day they met.

"Yeah, I bless it too," she replied. "You're making us happier. Making him happier." Sully snapped her head at her, smiling to the woman with tears in her eyes.

"Just know that it's mutual," she assured, patting Polly's shoulder playfully.

"Oi," Arthur called, earning the women's attention on him. "Watcha fucking doing, Sully? Come here and bloody drink with us."

"Alright, mate," she answered, grabbing her glass and Polly's hand before they cheered together, screaming to one another. Finally, they talked about Danny, a little, all of them keeping him in the back of their minds.

"Do you remember when he asked me out?" she asked Arthur, whom of which broke out in laughter at the memory. Thomas cleared his throat, raising an eyebrow at her. She pursed her lips and giggled when Arthur laid on her shoulder, unable to calm down. Too much alcohol, probably.

"Danny fucking Whizz-Bang asked you out?" John demanded with a smirk, glancing to his older brother, who was listening to his girl's answer.

"It was a long time ago," she sighed with a smile. "He told me so many things, it was cute, but I said no."

"And she told me everything of course," Arthur added, the blonde snorting her laughter. She Tommy's eyes on her, a playful glance as he listened to the full story.

"Seems like you can't keep my secrets though," she exclaimed, bumping her shoulder into Arthur's.

"Fucking Danny," John cursed with a snort. "How old were you?"

"I mean something like 19," she said while eyeing Arthur, who nodded in agreement. "But I swear I said no immediately, and that dumbass told me he would convince me one day to be his girlfriend."

"As if," Tommy commented between gritted teeth. She laughed at his jealous behavior, winking towards Arthur.

"And then he met her girlfriend," she announced. "God bless this girl." All the people around her smiled, looking at each other. "And you can talk about me you fool, but don't think I forgot you dated Ariel for three months," she ordered by pointing her finger at Tommy.

"It was a long time ago," he affirmed, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards.

"Yeah, you were 22," she retorted.

"Sorry about that, but she was a very good girl," he stated. "Obedient," he added. The blonde rolled her eyes while leaning backward in her chair, sharing an exasperated look with Polly.


A few hours later, when she left the pub with the boys singing in the streets, giggling to their childish behavior, she looked at Tommy by her side, rolling his eyes to his brothers and his aunt, whom of which was singing as well. She squeezed his hand, making him look down at her with a faint smile.

"I love you," she simply said, her eyes sparkling with adoration. He smirked, leaning to kiss her lips more passionately than before, the alcohol still rushing through his veins.

"I love you, Sully," he replied, putting her in a tight embrace. "Until the sun dies and even after."

the girl next door ↠ Thomas Shelby [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن