04; i needed you

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She always knew how much Thomas Shelby cared about horses. She could remember the many hours they spent together, as Tommy taught her how to ride a horse perfectly; and, thanks to him, she finally did. Once she knew how to ride, they spent most of their afternoons on their horses, discussing sometimes, walking around in Small Heath, sometimes riding away from the village in the surrounding forests, letting their horses run fast. 

That was how happiness and freedom felt like. Now, she just wondered how many times it would take until she would see Tommy riding again. 

Luck seemed to be on her side as she exited the Garrison, a spittoon in her hands. As she tried to pour it cleanly, she lifted her head to see Thomas on a horse, and she poured it on herself. She cursed while looking at her wet shoes and dress, while Tommy scoffed slightly, making a stop in the large horse next to her. 

"This ain't fucking funny," Sully sighed as she giggled too, "it was a new dress," she moaned as she let her spitoon fall on the ground nicely, trying not to afraid the horse. 

"God, you and your clumsiness," Tommy sighed too, as Sully blushed a little, her cheeks turning pink. 

"My only best friend," she commented, walking to the animal in front of her. "Can I?" she asked shyly, raising her hand in the air so the animal could smell it. 

"Go ahead," Thomas said with a faint nod, as the woman laid her hand on the horse's muzzle. She smiled as the animal laid against her palm, black fur between her fingers. She caressed it nicely, shushing some compliments to the large beast. She smiled when he pushed her hand away only to put his forehead against it. 

"He likes you," Tommy stated, his eyes following their actions. 

"Of course, what do you think?" She laughed faintly, "All the sweet boys do." She giggled to herself, caressing the horse fur gently. They stayed silent for a moment, her eyes sparkling as she met the man's eyes on her. 

"What's his name?" she asked with a rose eyebrow, and Thomas shook his head.

"Doesn't have a name," he replied. Sully frowned.

"What are you waiting for give him one, old man?" she demanded with a faint snort, making Thomas roll his eyes. "You're taking him to the races, yeah?" she asked with a wide smile. 

"That's right," he answered, then he cleared his throat. "Will you come with me?" Sullivan snapped her head up at him, incomprehension readable on her face. 

"With you? To the races?" she repeated, disbelieved. As Tommy nodded at her, she shrugged her shoulders. "Alright, what should I wear?" 

"Red," he answered quickly. Sully nodded, and Thomas frowned. "Anything else?" 

"Yeah, well Grace wants you to allow her to sing," she said while clapping her hands together. "I know you don't like that, but it'll be a good thing, and maybe I could sing too," she explained. 

"Why isn't she asking?" Tommy furrowed his brows, curiosity flashing in his blue eyes. 

"She finally took a day off," Sully scoffed, "and Harry's too afraid." Tommy snorted, his eyes staring at hers. 

"And of course, you're not," he stated with a slight laugh.

"Jeez, of course not," she giggled. "Please, allow her," she pleaded. Thomas nodded with a side-smile, knowing that nothing could resist her. "All in red, I got it," she then smiled and grabbed back her spittoon, letting go of him. She stepped back into the pub, smiling to herself. Maybe they would figure everything out, finally. 

The rest of the week came by with Sully working hard at the Garrison, seeing Thomas only for a whiskey and sometimes a hello. She saw Arthur whom of which walked her home every evening to check on her safety. Of course, nobody broke in her house again, but she was glad Arthur was with her each time, just in case. 

the girl next door ↠ Thomas Shelby [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now