"You want me! You can have me but leave him alone!" Colson said, gripping the witch by the shoulder, her cap shifting a bit.

He's sent flying backwards when she grips his hand and pushed. He hits the floor with a groan but gets to his feet quickly.

"You never listen! I'm not doing anything. You are."

"You said I offended you. Fine, you can punish me! Just let me return to him, if I'm by his side, if he can touch me he would feel better!"

The bitch witch lets out a cackle, hand going underneath her hat as she wiped her face.

"I told you, you were going to feel the same thing I did when I lost my mate. This is your punishment."

"You are sick!" Colson reaches for her again, his fist connecting to her stomach. She double over with a groan but still gets back up. If he needed this to work, he was going to have to pull off the fucking hat.

"It's rude to hit a woman."

"You are not a woman." Colson snarls at her

The bitch witch laughed. "You annoy me, little fish."

"It's not my fault you're an ugly piece of shit." Colson snapped back. The woman scoffed and snapped her fingers, her lips pulled into a smirk.

Colson's hands move by themselves. Hitting him right in the eyes. He had seen something like this once on the tv and had found it hilarious. But it isn't. It hurts like a bitch.

"Don't make me angry! You don't know what I'll do!" She said and I scoffed. My eyes was throbbing, so was my knuckle but at least I could control my limbs again.

"You know, I never knew why you referred to yourself as Baba Yaga. Wasn't the woman an ugly bi- oh. I see why now."

The witch snarled at Colson. She was suddenly in front of him, hands around his neck.

"Maybe that's why he left you. He knew there was no other way to escape you, so he chose to die." Colson said, in a bored tone, head tilted a bit to the side. He was thrown across the room for the second time, his head hitting the wall harshly.

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

Colson shrugged. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall. Shit. It hurt like hell. He could see like tiny stars with his eyes closed. He could hear Erik saying something.

He blinks his eyes open when the bitch witch comes to stand in front of him. Colson was actually impressed with her hat. It had budged all this while. It still sat perfectly on her head. He wondered where she got it from.

"Why did you kill all those people? You could have just come and taken me. Why all the games?" Colson asked her, his head lolling to the side a bit.

"It wouldn't have been fun would it? You were already weak, it wouldn't have been fun just killing you. So I had to make it fun. I had to make it hurt. Starting out with Michel. I don't know what you ever saw in that one."

Colson winced. He remembered being beaten up in the forest by Michel, he remembered being called a used condom, he remembered the fear from not being able to tell anyone who had made him all black and blue.

He had blamed an innocent man for something he didn't do. And it was all thanks to this manipulative bitch.

"You fucking suck!" Colson said, his head snapping to the side by the hard slap he got from the bitch witch.

"Don't tell me you still like that dog?"

"It's none of your business."

The bitch witch squats, looking at him through the black veil on her hat. "It's my business though. I want to make it hurt! I want you to feel a thousand times more than the pain I felt when my mate died!"

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