Sydney's Bad Start

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Mabel's POV:
Her voice sounds soft and caring, she doesn't sounds like a mean girl at all. I mean a mean girl would sound I DON'T KNOW, like sarcastic and confident. Well thats what they sound like in movies.

Sydney's POV:
The whole crowd stared at me as Mrs. Candid said "Yes of course darling." I tried to sound soft and sweet, unlike last year. "Hi guys, I'm Sydney Lorica, favourite subjects are english and mathematics. Hopefully we will have a great year together." everyone clapped, well looks like they forgot what happened last

Daphnee's POV:
Uuggh, why are people even clapping?! Did they forgot what happened last year?! Do people forgot how evil she actually is. That tiny bitch. I'll get my revenge.

Mabel's POV:
Whats with Daphnee's face?
She looks mad, I really want to know what happened with her and Sydney.
It looks like a serious situation, hopefully they will be good this year. I'm really scared if they might fight and get in trouble.

Chris's POV:
Wow, isn't that the girl I bumped into earlier? Heh she's kinda cute doe. Well unlike that girl speaking. She's such a attention seeker, didn't something happened with her and Daph last year? Well she really annoys me I don't know why.

Mabel's POV:
OmG! The anime guy seems to be looking at me! SQUEEE! Ok Mabel don't jump or do anything creepy crazy.

Mrs Candid:
"Oh well done Miss Lorica, looks like I have a new favourite!"

(The whole class looks at Sydney and claps again)

Mabel's POV:
Wow, she got to be the teacher's pet just by saying her name and her favourite subjects? Wow that will never happen to me.

Mrs Candid:
"Ok I will be picking two more students to introduce themselves to the whole class, and that will be Sir Maxwell and Miss Alonzo."

(The class turned around to both of them)

(Mabel and Chris both looked at each other)

"Well you don't seem ready Miss Alonzo. I'll go first then." *smiles

Mabel's POV:
Wow he's a gentleman too? He's definitely my type of guy. Wait what about the promise? That me and childhood friend will-

"By the way Mrs. Candid, people call me Eli not Chris. So won't you mind calling me Eli?"

Mrs. Candid:
"Oh sure darling. I saw your name at the roll which said Chris. I'm sorry darling please continue."

"Oh thank you miss, I really appreciate it. Hi I'm Eli, real name is Chris Elijah Maxwell. Favourite subjects are humanities and science."

Mabel's POV:
Wow both of us have the same favourite subjects. Well does that mean we're meant to be? NO MABEL REMEMBER THE PROMISE!

(The class claps for Eli as he sats down)

Mrs. Candid:
"Okay now Miss Alonzo won't you introduce yourself now"

"Hi I am Mabel, Mabel Averie Alonzo. My favourite subjects are humanities and science. Thank you"

(The class claps really loudly)

Mrs. Candid:
"Wow Mabel, looks like the class really likes you that they clapped really loudly"

Mabel in a confused:
"O-oh heh um well um thank you"

(Mabel sat down as the class claps again)

Sydney's POV:
Omg, how is the whole class so hyped with her. She looks like a slut just ew. I'm definitely the number one queen. Wait she's not even a queen HAH!


(The whole class stared at Sydney)

"Ummm Mrs Candid should we be focusing, well not at her. But we should be focusing at our class President and Vice President and Assistants? I mean I OBVIOUSLY will be the president but anyways should we do a vote?"

Mrs. Candid:
"You're definitely right Miss Lorica-"

"Um Miss its Sydney. Never Miss Lorica, never Syd, never Ney. Thank you."

Mrs. Candid:
"Oh, yes Sydney you're definitely right. We should do a vote. Well there's 40 minutes till the bell so should we do it now?"

(The whole class said yes)

Mrs. Candid:
"Ok then first lets vote for our assistance, then Vice President and our President for last. So raise your hand if you would like to nominate someone, exempt you can't nominate yourself."

(4 students raised their hands)

Mrs. Candid:
"Okay Sander you go first."

"I would like to nominate Naomie."

Mrs. Candid:
"Oh sure thing! You next Chinia."

"I think Cleoa would be a good assistant for our up coming President and Vice President."

Mrs. Candid:
"OHH NICE ONE! You Alisha."

Alisha: "
"I think Sydney would be a good assistant-"

"Oh excuse you! I'm way too pretty and good to be a assistant. SO YOU BETTER SHUSH YOUR MOUTH OR I'LL SHUT IT MYSELF WITH A KNIF-"

Mrs. Candid:
"Or maybe you should shush yourself Sydney. You don't reject other people's words and opinions. Now shush it or you won't be nominated for anything at all..."

(The class hyped up)

The class:
"Ooooh Sydney, you just got roasted BY THE TEACHER HAHAHAH!"

Sydney's POV:
"Oh no Sydney, that was such a bad start for a fresh new year..."

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