Daphnee my new bff

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Mabel's POV:
She was so pretty.
She had blue pretty shimmering eyes,
grey soft hair in a ponytail, and a pretty smile.

She had blue pretty shimmering eyes,grey soft hair in a ponytail, and a pretty smile

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"OMG! Are you the new girl? OMG! Hi Im Daphnee what's yours?". She sounds sweet and loyal, unlike any girl I ever talked to,she's definitely like Lexia! But Rosewood version, and a tiny bit different!!
My godness, good thing she wanted to talk to me. *sigh "O-oh hi! Yes I am. Im Mabel-Mabel Alonzo, nice to meet you" I said in a calm POLITE voice. But suddenly she reminded me of someone... My childhood friend! BUT GIRL VERSION! Oh my, whats with these people. HAHAH there's probably something  wrong with me or like nah. But I had so stay focused to being social, not randomly saying stuffs, they might think I'm a wierdo or something. "OMG! I'm so happy your in my class, SQUUEE", ok her voice was real cute but like I had to act cool. "Oh me too!" I replied, "You must be thinking I'm a wierdo, sorry it's just how I am", WHY WOULD SHE EVEN APOLOGISE! AW I THINK IM IN LOVE UWU-WAIT WHAT?! IN LOVE WITH A GIRL HECK NAH! Ok I am out of my mind! STAY CALM-CALM THE HECK DOWN! I smiled awkwardly as our teacher came in class, *sigh good thing someone distracted the conversation! "Ok class, I'm Mrs. Candid, I'm gonna be with you for a year, and hopefully we will have a good year, I guess." She sounded strict and mean. But you never know, on my old school there was a really 'mean' teacher, she was only mean at bad kids. But if your quiet you get PRIZES at the end of the year! She was the best teacher I've had, not gonna lie. All you have to do is shut your mouth and listen... well thats EASY. Again our first subject is Maths, the class started pretty good not gonna lie, a minute later someone knocked on the door. IT WAS HIM! The guy that looks like a anime character!! "Oh my, Chris how could you be a minute late!" Miss Candid said. He acted real chill, "Sorry Ma'am, the office called me." as he sat on his chair, WHICH HE SITS BESIDE ME SQUEE! Anyways we continued doing our starter then 3 minutes later Mrs. Candid said "Ok class, enough with this starter. It's the first day of school and they're some new students, so would we like to do a introduction, and introduce ourselves. So who's first?" the whole class was quiet, "Oh Ma'am can I go first?" a girl said, the class turned around as I asked Daphnee who she is, "Daphnee, who is that girl?", "OMG! You dont know, It's Sydney, she's the most brattiest, meanest girl in school. She might not look like a mean girl but deep inside... SHE IS A DEMON." as I replied "Really? She's the mean girl? Well she doesn't looks like it." as she quickly said "Oh I know. But you will see her real attitude. Very soon." Daphnee said in a mad but quiet voice.

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