Fittings, Impersonations, and Corsets

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Cain yawned before opening his eyes, it was dark. Rubbing his face he went to use the bathroom. Groggy he slowly made his way only to pause at the door and stair at the floor. Taking up almost the entire room was Gobo.

Cocking his head up at him, "Out." Cain demanded.

Moving as slowly as possible he left the bathroom. Instead of returning to the bed he left, he took one last look at Cora before and left the room. They were both still fully clothed. Nothing had happened they were just laying there talking.

Since Cain had returned, Cora and Gobo moved back to their position with the Queen. Ahamo and the Queen were in a meeting when she quietly walked in. Cora stood in her usual spot off to the side from the Queen with Gobo at her feet.

"Who is our new arrival? And what does she have sitting at her feet?" The man closest to Ahamo asked.

"She is my personal guard Cora and her Daemon Gobo." The Queen answered.

Murmurs scattered throughout the room, "Daemon, your highness?"

"Nathan, it is all right. Neither of them is evil. My seer has seen to that." The Queen said.

"I do not like that thing in the room. Will you please remove it?"

Cora cleared her throat, "Sorry for the interruption your majesty but Nathan isn't the real Earl of the northeast section of the O.Z."

He stood, "I am so."

Ahamo looked over to Cora, "What do you mean?"

"Nathan has given Gobo a treat every time he has met with The Queen and or you. Nathan is fascinated and adores Gobo."

The Queen turned to the side, "That is an excellent observation."

Kneeling next to Gobo, "Your majesty, you have two more imposters in the room. Queen Penelope and Earl Charles."

The two she called stood, "Are you sure?" The Queen asked.

"Yes. Gobo smelled lilac when we came in. Queen Penelope wears mainly cinnamon she has told me once she does not care for lilac. I noticed that her jewelry was fake as well. I may not be for jewels myself,  but I know fake when I see them. And the Earl is wearing the rings on the wrong hand and not to mention the faint scare that is above his lip." Rubbing Gobo's head as she stood.

The Queen excused the imposters having the real ones replace them. "Good job Cora. I'll explain later why that was necessary."

After the meeting, everyone left, leaving Cora, Ahamo and the Queen in the room. "We are planning to have a party soon. The same costume party we had last year. Having you amongst everyone will be great. The little demonstration was to see how well you would do. So instead of being one of the guards, you're going to be amongst the people." The Queen said.

Her eyes darted back and forth between the two, "Why?"

"The Duchess in the county next to us has a daughter who got pregnant a few months back. And now she is showing. They do not want anyone to know. We came up with the plan that you go as her because there is a rumor the father of the baby plans on kidnaping her and holding her and the baby for ransom. He plans to show up at the party."

Her mouth hung open some, "But I know nothing about her. How will I even be able to pull that off? DG told me about the dance and you wear masks. Couldn't you find someone else who knows her well that looks like her."

"You will do great," Ahamo assured her with a big grin to match.

"Is someone coming to tell me about her? So I at least know who I'm to impersonate."

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