The Past Isn't Always Easy To Talk About

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The Queen and Consort were going to Central City on business. Cain was to come but they wanted him at the castle watching the princesses so Jeb came in his spot.

Standing on the steps of the castle, Cora looked on Central City. "This place is so cool looking. It must be super fun to see."

Jeb stood next to her, "If you go with the right people and to the right places."

Half turning to him, "Who are the right people?"

"I have a feeling that's a trap so I'm not answering that question. Let's go. We have a job." He turned, going up the stairs.

Heading up with him, "Dork."

"You should drag my father through here. He didn't have fun the last time he was here."

"That's because he was on the run. And I'm a firm believer that he would probably want to shoot himself in the arm then show me around Central City." Catching up with him.

"You're right, he would rather do that." He joked. Cora gasped pushing Jeb through the doors.

During the meeting, Cora couldn't help herself but stare out the windows. Central City in her eyes looked so inviting. Feeling jittery and wanting to go check it out was causing Gobo to pace.

She heard the Queen call for her, "Yes your majesty?" Crouching next to her.

Keeping her voice low, "Is everything ok?"

"Everything is fine. Why do you ask?"

"He's making the others nervous with his pacing." Looking over to Gobo.

Motioning for Gobo to sit, "I'm sorry, your majesty. It's just Central City looks super inviting and I guess my excitement is overflowing to him, causing him to pace. We will try to calm ourselves. I am really, really sorry."

"It is ok."

Going back to her place, Cora tried to stay calm. The meeting lasted for another hour before it ended.

The Queen had meetings all day, every day for a week.

Both moons had risen when they arrived back in Finaqua. And all Cora wanted to do was take a long hot bath. Grabbing the book Glitch suggested she read, she climbed into the warm water after the tub was filled.

Finishing up, Cora placed the half-finished book on the edge of the sink before getting out and wrapping the soft fluffy towel around herself.

"You probably don't look half bad with this on," Cain smirked as he held up the collar that was given to her.

He was standing over by the window, "It's not for me but for Gobo."

Swinging it around his finger, "What a shame, but my statement still stands."

Cora went over grabbing the collar from him, "Perv." And with that, she smacked him upside the head.

"What was that for?" Bring his hand to the back of his head.

"For going through my stuff. Now out please." She pointed to the door.

Cain went over to her pinning her against her dresser. "Why don't you put that damn cat out and I'll show you how much fun touchy-feely really is."

She tried to keep her cool. "He's in the bathroom. Smelled you when you first came in about 20 minutes ago. He says you should try using your shower more often."

Looking at the door, "Why is he still in there?"

"In case you planned on having your way with me he didn't want to be in the room."

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