"You're still my baby sister. Aleksandr and Derrik would agree with that statement," Emery grinned as he embraced her.

"Shut up," Ana huffed, and rolled her eyes as Emery and Sean embraced quickly.

"I saw Nat

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"I saw Nat."

"Me too."

"Is she the only Avenger who came?"

"Yes. She's their representation today."

"Surprised they didn't send Tony Stark. Did you ever meet him?" Emery asked as they sat down.

"No. He left the compound before Sean and I arrived."

"Bummer. That would've been cool."

"Shh. King T'Chaka is about to speak."

Everyone stood up and clapped as the Wakandan King took the podium to talk. Ana wasn't really listening. She was thinking about Peggy and Steve. She felt a strong wave of regret as she started to remember the friendship she had built with the Brit. She had been very close with Peggy and Howard. She listlessly traced her pen across a piece of paper.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Prince T'Challa yelled as he ran towards his father.

Emery and Sean wrapped an arm around Ana as they ducked down under the desks. There was a loud bang and the whole building shook. Glass shattered everywhere and black smoke filled the room. Ana coughed and used her shirt to cover her mouth and nose.

She started having flashbacks to when she was stuck inside the S.H.I.E.L.D. building in New York when the Chitauri attacked. Steve had saved her from the collapsing building. He wouldn't be there to save her this time. She squeezed her eyes shut and turned into Sean's chest while they waited.

After about five minutes of crouching down, Ana hesitantly stood up with the rest of the room. She saw Prince T'Challa cradling his father. She slapped a hand over her mouth when she realised that the King had died.

"W-we need to-to find Ross," Emery stuttered.

Ana and Sean nodded. Ana stumbled through the rubble in the heels she had worn. She contemplated taking them off but decided against it so she wouldn't get any glass in her feet. Ana grabbed on to Sean's arm as they made their way over to their boss. Sean turned around and carried her until the ground clear. When they got to Everett, he was busily talking on his phone.

"Good thing we're here. We have a lot of work to do. Just called Sharon. She's on her way back from London right now. This is what we know. Here's the security footage. James Buchanan Barnes, also known as Hydra's Winter Soldier, is the suspect," Everett quickly briefed them. "Hansen, since you're originally trained as a medic, I'm going to have you help the wounded. The paramedics will need all the help they can get. Stepanovs, you're going to help gather intel. We've already released the info about Barnes to the public. You're sorting through the leads and tips we get to see what's real."

Ana nodded and quickly gave Sean a hug. He squeezed her tightly before hurrying off to help anyone who was close to the explosion. Emery lead Ana through the building to get to an office where they could go through any leads people sent in.

Ana couldn't believe that Bucky had done this. She remembered him as Steve's best friend and right hand man during World War II. He had been a great soldier. She always thought as him being the perfect compliment to Steve. While Steve was quiet, Bucky had been more loud and gregarious.

She knew that this had to be killing Steve. He had told her how he had been taken prisoner by Hydra where they brainwashed him into being one of the most notorious assassins. She also recalled Natasha talking about the Winter Soldier, and how he shot a scientist through her.

"Let's get to work," Emery said sitting down and picking up the phone which was ringing wildly.

Ana sat down at the computer and began looking through emails they had received. She also pulled up the live news steam.

Ana felt her phone buzzing in her pocket. She pulled out her phone and didn't see anything. She reached back into her pocket and pulled out her personal phone and saw she had a text message.

From: Steve Rogers

Just saw the news. If you're in Vienna at The Accords ratification, I hope you're safe, Ana.

To: Steve Rogers

I am at The Accords, but I'm safe. Thanks for checking. I have a lot of work to do. We're starting to get leads and tips on Barnes. I'm so sorry.

From: Steve Rogers

Any chance you can help me? I should be the one to bring Bucky in. I'm the least likely to die trying.

To: Steve Rogers

I'll do what I can. Get to Vienna ASAP. Emery and I are going through potential leads right now.

From: Steve Rogers

Thank you. Sam and I are on our way.


That was the first chapter of Part 4! I'm so excited for this! There's going to be a lot of drama and action coming up!

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Next update: November 16, 2019

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