4 - Chaos at Coney Island

Start from the beginning

Tessa huffed. "Who the hell cares? I think you're pretty awesome just as you are. Plus, you got a nice ass."

Luna abruptly lifted her head to look at her friend, who was smirking at her with a playfully raised eyebrow. "And what does my ass have to do with it?"

"Everything," Tessa replied. "With an ass like yours, I'm surprised that half of the boys at Midtown aren't chasing after you."

"It's cause they know not to fuck with me," Luna told her, grabbing a hair tie from her dresser and tying her hair into a ponytail.

Tessa snorted. "No, it's cause they're admiring you from a distance."

Luna rolled her eyes, then said, "Eres una pequeña mierda delirante."

"I am not," Tessa protested.

Luna rolled her eyes in amusement. "Sure, you keep telling yourself that."

Tessa huffed, then stood up and walked over to the door. "Whatever, loser. Let's just get going. I already called Miles and Araceli, and they're meeting us at the park so we can all head to Coney Island together."

"I love how you guys always plan my entire day without me," Luna mumbled sarcastically.

Tessa smiled, lightly punching Luna's arm. "It's only cause we love you, Luna. And you have absolutely no social life."

Luna rolled her eyes again, choosing not to respond. But in her head, she said to herself, You'd be surprised.

They walked down the hall and out into the living room, where Jazmín was reading in their beat-up old armchair, and Rubi was lounging on the couch, watching television with Mateo.

"S'up, guys," Tessa called in greeting.

"Hey, Tess," Jazmín said without looking up. Mateo simply waved, and Rubi grunted to show that she'd heard.

"We're going out to Coney Island for the day," Luna told her siblings as she grabbed her bag and slung the strap over her shoulder. "Araceli and Miles are coming with us."

"Cool," Mateo said absentmindedly. "Have fun."

"Mantenerse a salvo, okay?" Jazmín added.

"We will," Tessa answered. "See you."

With those words, Luna and Tessa left the Reyes house and stepped out into the early morning air. The sun had just risen and was hovering over the horizon, casting an rosy-orange glow over the city. A lot of the people on Luna's block were already outside, and waved to the two girls as they passed.

"So what's been going on with you?" Luna asked Tessa after a few minutes. "It feels like I've barely seen you all summer."

"Nothing much, honestly," Tessa replied with a shrug. "My family and I went to this really cool laser tag place over near Times Square a lot."

"Really?" Luna asked. "How was it?"

Tessa smirked. "It was awesome. I totally whooped their asses at it, too."

Luna chuckled. "I'm not surprised. You are the best shot I've ever met."

Tessa smiled back. "You're damn right I am." Smirking again, Tessa added, "Though I can't say the same for you."

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