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Corbyn's pov:

I just started a new job, well actually not a new one. It's my first ever teaching job ever. Maybe it'll be the job I keep until I retire. I walk in around 7 am to get everything set up and signed my papers and all that happy crap. I leave to go to the station real fast. I walk in and get a coffee and a bag of chips to eat on my plan hour.

I drive my blue Dodge Charger back to the school. I walk in and see the hallways were packed with teenagers. Some smelling good; others not so well. Out of the corner of my eye, I see this group of girls staring at me. I pretend to look around but instead, I just wanted to see this group of girls. I see one laughing, another saying something, and a brunette smirking towards me. Oh, this is gonna be so interesting to see what turns out from this.

Taking one glance around, I head to my room where I began prepping for the day. My first two hours are free which is unusual. I've heard from teachers they only have one hour to plan for the whole week and then I have two plan hours. I'll ask about that later. Since I have so much free time, I decide to print off some surveys that are getting to know each other better. I start rearranging the chairs according to my first class of the day which is 4th grade.

A few hours later:

I finally have a high school class. I'm excited to see who the girls were this morning. The choir members walked in, but they were cautiously walking into the door; looking around, holding onto each other, and some even shaking a little bit.

"Good afternoon, class!" I smile towards them.

A brunette looks at me nervously. "Are you um nice?" she asks while shaking a little bit. Then I realize she's the girl from this morning.

"Yes, I'm nice?" I answer in confusion.

"You won't like get angry to the point of almost throwing things, right?" she asks.

"Right. I'll keep my temper cool and if I need to, I'll excuse myself. I won't throw things," I answer while scrunching my eyebrows. "Why do you ask?"

"Th-the last one got fired for being abusive towards the class," she says while looking down.

"Oh-" I exclaim. "No, I'm not at all abusive. I promise I won't hurt y'all."

"Um, can I talk to you out in the hall?" The girl next to her asks.

"Sure?" I answer while walking out of the class.

"So she was the one being abused by the last choir director. He hurt her so bad that she was in a hospital for a week for a broken rib and a concussion. She really wanted to drop, but she didn't want anyone else to get hurt so she would constantly get hurt after class when no one was there to see. The only reason everyone knows is that he lost his cool with the class and hit her during class which is when a fight broke out between her best friend and the choir director. So that's why she is asking all those questions and shaking," the girl explains. "Oh my name is Sky and her name is Emma."

"Okay, Sky. I won't hurt her and I'll make sure she is comfortable with me before I get too close."

(Okay, so it may seem like she was okay during her pov of this chapter but it's a different pov so you see another event happening that she didn't want to tell since she had to act like nothing hurt her. it'll make sense later, hopeful.)

We walk back in and everyone is in chairs now.

"Okay class, my name is Corbyn Besson. Please call me Mr. Besson. Um, let's do a get to know me questionnaire. So I'll start by asking you guys to say your name grade and an interesting fact about you," I smile. I start with Emma. "So, will you start us off?" I ask looking in her direction. She is really pretty. Why would someone want to hurt something so beautiful?

Seduce Him//Corbyn BessonWhere stories live. Discover now