They decided they had too much stuff now and they wouldn't be able to fit it all in their suitcases and backpacks so they went in search of a diaper bag of some sort. 

Being back in the baby section they picked up a pack of pacifier they thought would be a good back up plan just in case. They found a black backpack but it was water proof and had plenty of pockets.

Bryce was making silly faces at Payton as they made to leave the aisle but once again Payton whined as something caught his eyes. He pointed at something a deep blush spreading across his face.

Bryce moves to the item taking it off the shelf and holding it out to Payton.
"This what you want buddy" Bryce asked

The item in question was just a simple blue baby bottle with little white flowers.

Payton reaches for it shyly and once he has it he holds it tightly.

The boys can tell he's feeling shy and embarrassed after that as he pulls up the hood of his onesie up and chews on the end of his sleeve.

They self checkout and manage to fit everything into just a couple bags. They go back out to get their Uber and are on their way back to the hotel in no time.

Shy Payton is the cutest Griffin thinks as they get back to the hotel Bryce and Tayler carry the bags because Payton was clinging so tightly to Griffin. He shyly motioned he wanted to be carried so he scooped the little guy up to settle him in his hip. 

As they are leaving the elevator to walk down the hall to their room they run into Chase and Noen leaving their room.

"Hey guy where you coming back from" Chase asks

"Target" Bryce replies holding out the bags

"What did you get there" Noen questions

"Just got the little guy some stuff" Griffin says gently bouncing Payton on his hip

Payton hides his face in the crook of Griffin's neck after they mention him.

"He's been really shy after he picked out a bottle at the store" Tayler tells the two boys softly

"Aww" Noen cooes

The group of boys make their way back to Payton and Griffin's room Chase and Noen tagging along to help carry a few bags. And Anthony and Jaden greet them back in the room.

"Show us your haul" Chase says excitedly

Tayler and Bryce began to dump bags onto one of the beds while Griffin grabs Payton's paci and sits on the other.

Griffin clips the paci on and slips it into Payton's mouth once again as he gently bounces Payton on his knee.

"Wow you guys really went all out" Chase says
"We didn't even start with this much stuff" Noen tells them

"We just didn't want to be unprepared" Tayler says

Ask the boys talk discussing all the stuff they got Payton gently pokes Griffin's side. The older boy looks down at the little boy sitting in his lap

"What's up bud" Griffin asks softly
"Color?" Payton whispers
"Of course buddy" The older says

"Hand me the crayons and a coloring book" Griffin says to Bryce who's sat on the edge of the other bed

once he has them Griffin lays out the book in front of Payton but he whines shaking his head.

"Kitties" Payton whines
"You don't want the cars coloring book"Bryce asks
Payton shakes his head again
"Kitties" he whines again
"Ask nicely buddy" Griffin scolds from behind him
"Kitties please" Payton says almost desperately

"Here you go bud" Bryce hands him the book and Payton squeals excitedly he wastes no time to find a picture to color

"Oh he's precious" chase says
"You guys are really good with him" Noen tells them

"He's pretty easy so far" Tayler tells the two

"I was meaning to ask you guys he tried to ask me earlier but I didn't know but how exactly his he gonna go about finding a caregiver is it like dating?" Griffin asks the other boys nodding looking too chase and Noen

"You guys are kidding right" Noen asks

"Why would we joke about it" Jaden says
"We want to make sure the kids taken care of" Anthony states
Everyone nods along

Noen and Chase look to eachother and sigh
"We kinda figures you guys would be his caregivers" Chase says
"You guys are already doing it you seem pretty invested" Noen says jestering to the pile of stuff they had bought for the boy.

"But there's five of us" Bryce says

"Well Tayler and Griffin already seem like the most responsible Bryce is like a big brother and Jaden and Anthony give off a cool uncle vibe" Chase says

"He wouldn't want us to be his caregivers" Tayler says shaking his head

"But if he did would you" Noen asks

"Of course" the boys reply in unison

"Done!" Payton squeals suddenly from his spot on the bed

He holds up his coloring book showing a picture of a cartoon cat messily colored in with bright colors

"That looks really good bud" Jaden tells the small boy

The younger boy looks around to the rest of the boys looking for conformation that they also like it

"I love it"
"You are so talented bub"
"Good job"
"Very pretty"

The boys reassure him and he beams at them a bright wide smile Paci fallen from his lips dangling forgotten from his shirt.

Tayler goes over to help Payton clean up his crayons and such before scooping up the small boy to cuddle with him. Payton is relax in Taylers hold playing with his fingers once again sucking his paci.

"See he's so content with you" Noen says

"I wouldn't mind keeping the little guy" Tayler says
The other guys nodding along

"Guess you'll have to take to him when his big" Chase teases

Payton whines softly before leaning in to whisper to Tayler
"Thirsty" he tells him softly
"Anthony will you fill up one of his cups with water please" Tayler asks he gets a nod in response

Payton smiles sweetly at Anthony when he hands him the cup
"What do you say bud"
"Tank yew" Payton says
"Good boy" Tayler tells him causing a blush to rise to Payton's cheeks

The boys loved seeing the young boy look so happy and content like this they just wanted to protect him and make him happy.

Stressed Payton Moormeier bromance Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon