Chapter 9

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When the boys arrive at the hotel Bryce takes Payton from Tayler holding the sleeping boy close.

Tayler and Griffin collect Bryce and Payton's things from the bus while Trent gets them checked in. They make their way up to their floor and Bryce takes Payton to the room he'll be sharing with Griffin.

Griffin holds the door open for the boys and then follows inside he quietly sits down their luggage by the dresser

"Thanks for carrying him man" Griffin says
"No problem kids light as shit anyways" Bryce says
"Pretty sure Tayler took your stuff to y'all's room" Griffin tells them

Bryce leaves and Griffin starts to settle in about thirty minutes later Payton starts to wake up.

As Payton sits up slowly Griffin greets him

"Hey buddy how you feeling" he asks
"Head hurts" Payton mumbles rubbing at his eyes

Griffin goes over to his bags and grabs so Tylenol and then to the mini fridge for a bottle of water before giving it to Payton.

Payton swollows the pills and then looks up at Griffin

"I'm sorry about earlier" Payton tells him

"Oh bud it's okay we were just worried" Griffin says placing his hand on his cheek.

"I don't know what happened just got overwhelmed" Payton tells him shyly

"That's okay buddy you're just a kid it's understandable that all the things we do can be overwhelming for you." Griffin says crouching down to be at eye level with Payton.

Payton's Pov: I decide I need to apologize to all the guys but I really need to talk to Chase and Noen first.

"Do you know where Chase and Noen are rooming?" I ask Griffin
"Right across the hall" Griffin tells me

I walk over to my backpack and open the box pulling the pacifier out and quickly shoving it in my pocket

"I'll be back in a little bit" I tell Griffin rushing out of the room and across the hall.

I knock and they don't keep me waiting long.
"Hey buddy come on in" chase says and I shyly shuffle through the door.

"Oh hey Payton how are you doing" Noen asks as he sees me

"I'm better now" I say I end up sitting in between them on one of the beds
"I'm sorry about earlier" I tell them

"We didn't mean to upset you" Noen tells me
"It wasn't your fault I just was thinking to hard" I tell him

"I was just wondering though I'm can you have like more than one caregivers or maybe even a few?" I ask shyly after we talked for a bit

"You can it's all about finding what works for you" chase tells me
"Like little chase is really shy around people so having just me makes it easier on him" Noen tells me

"How often are you little?" I ask
"More than you would think in my older head space I don't mind people so I've actually been around the boys a lot while little even made videos" Chases tells me

"You have more than one headspace?!" I was very curious
"I have an older one were I'm more goofy and playful and a younger one were I'm very shy and cuddly." Chase tries to explain

"What kinda stuff do you do when you are little I don't like know what I'm supposed to do" I tell them shyly

"Well Chase likes to color and play legos he when he's younger we watch a lot of movies we've got plenty or sippy cups and bottles we have lots of snacks we don't really plan it but I just try to keep him safe and entertained." Noen explains

"That sounds nice" I tell them

"Why don't you come back a bit later and maybe you can watch a movie with us and try being little for a while" Noen says

"Really!?" I ask excitedly

"Yeah Buddy" they say

"Thank you thank you" I cry hugging them

I leave and head back to my room but I greeted to a full house. Griffin, Bryce, Tayler, Kevin, Harrison, Jaden, and Anthony are all there.

"H-hey" I stutter out feeling nervous with all the eyes on me

"Hey come sit down bubs" Jaden calls patting the space between him and Anthony and I shyly make my way over.

I don't really know what to say to everyone I just stare at my feet.

"We just wanted to come check up on you" Tayler says
"I'm okay" I say softly not meeting anyone's eyes
"Anything you wanna talk about" Harrison asks
I shove my hands in my pocket toying with my paci out of sight as I shake my head.
"Do you wanna tell us what happened on the bus" Bryce try's to push

I just shake my head scooting back on the bed to lean against the headboard putting some space between me and everyone else.

They sigh and slowly start talking amongst themselves for awhile. I sit quietly watching hands in my hoodie pocket rubbing my hands over the pacifier feeling the texture of the smooth nub and wrapping the strap around my fingers.

I check my phone over and over again till it's time to go back over to Chase and Noen's room. When it's finally time I snatch yoshi and rush to the door.

"Payton where are you going bud" Tayler calls
"N-Noen and Chase asked me to come watch a movie with them" I call out as I rush out the door and back across the hall.

"Hey bubs" Neon greets me gently guided me inside to the bed. Chase is already curled up on one side of the bed with a purple blanket and the purple pacifier he showed me.

Noen climbs into the center of the bed and gently tugs me towards him. I slip off my slides and crawl onto the bed next to him holding yoshi to my chest.

"Did you bring anything else bubs" He asks
I nod and pull my pacifier from my pocket. He doesn't hesitate to take it from me and clip it to my hoodie before gently holding it to my mouth and I don't hesitate to take it.

We settle in me holding yoshi tight as Noen turns on the movie and it's Nemo.

I him happily and as the movie goes on me and chase cuddle closer to Noen he plays with our hair and I just relax. I feel warm and kinda floaty like I've never felt before. Zoned in on the movie sucking softly on my paci I begin to feel sleepy.

The movie eventually ends and Chase is snoring softly. Noen gently shifts us off the bed when he tugs my paci from my lips and unclips it from my shirt I whine at him making grabby hand at him trying to get it back.

"I'm gonna take you back to your room for bed little boy so you can't have this anymore okay" he says softly tucking it into my hoodie pocket.

He walks me across the hall before gently knocking on the door. I'm leaning heavily on his side holding yoshi loosely by his arm he dangles by my side. 

As the door opens Noen pulls me to stand in front of him. Griffin greets us.

"Brought this little guy back for ya I think he's ready for bed" Noen tells him pushing me towards Griffin lightly.

I move towards Griffin and wrapping my arms around his middle hiding my face in his chest. He wraps his arms around me gently rubbing my back

"Thanks Noie" he says as he guides me back into the room

Griffin try's to detach me from him but I whine and cling to him harder.

"Some ones a bit clingy I see" Anthony says that's when I realize the other boys are still in the room

"He's just tired" Griffin says finally scooping me up and carrying me to the bed.

He gets in with me tucking us under the covers. He sits back against the headboard but I lay down wrapped around his waist. I fall asleep to the soft talking of him and the boys.

Stressed Payton Moormeier bromance Where stories live. Discover now