Chapter 22

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Payton's Pov: Me and Tayler got back to my room and found Griffin laying on his stomach on the bed playing on his phone.

I let go of Tayler's hand and move towards the bed laying on my tummy as close to Griffin as possible. He rolls over slightly allowing me to cuddle closer to him. Tayler sits on the edge of the bed by me rubbing my back I know him and Griffin are silently trying to communicate with eachother.

Griffin hums before turning my head to look at him not allowing me to hide in his side any longer

"Hey buddy are you little?" He asks softly, gently stroking my hair obviously sensing I was upset.

I'm not little I'm just feeling down but I guess there's no better way to get attention from these two than to be little

"Not quite" I mumble but I allow a bit of my little voice to slip through

"Okay buddy anything we can do?" Griffin asks

"Just cuddles please" I murmur trying to borrow back into Griffin's side

I feel Tayler move off the bed and shuffle around the room the tv turns on and fills the room with the soft murmur of some random movie.

"Pay do you want you paci?" Tayler asks

I nod into Griffins side before realizing he can't see me

"Pwease" I call out and Griffin starts to gently card his fingers through my hair

His nails gently scrap across my scalp sending a shiver down my spine. I feel the bed sink again and a pair of arms circle my waist and I know it's Tayler.

I sigh and turn to look at him and the look he gives me I know he wants to ask what's bothering me but he just smiles and holds my paci out to me.

I take it and go back to hiding in Griffins side I don't feel like being little but I'm trying to force it or at least fake it cause I just want to spend time with Tayler and Griffin.

I lay there for probably thirty minutes just trying to force myself to slip but I just can't and I'm starting to get frustrated.

I know Tayler and Griffin won't stay if I'm not little I just can't bring myself to be.

Slowly I sit up I slip the paci from my mouth setting it away from myself.

I sigh heavily letting my shoulders slump in disappointment

"Pay you okay baby" Tayler asks

The bed shifts again and I can feel Griffin reach out and place his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. I shrug off his hand a bit more aggressive than I meant to but I'm just frustrated.

"I'm not little" I huff sounding somewhere between frustrated and straight up angry

I move to get off the bed I'm upset at myself and at Tayler and Griffin and the world just everything. I feel an overwhelming rush of emotion and panic and just want to leave but before I can get to the door I feel hands around my waist.

"Hey hey don't run off on us again" Tayler says as he turns me around

I stare intensely at the ground refusing to meet his eyes

"Pay talk to us" Griffin says

I see his feet move into my line of sight he's standing just off to the side of Tayler but I stay silently looking at the ground. I can feel tears start to trickle down my cheeks I watch a few hit the floor.

A hand gently caresses my chin before forcing my head up making me meet Tayler and Griffin's eyes.

"Buddy please talk to us" Tayler sighs I can see he's frustrated with himself for not knowing what's wrong

Griffin looks upset he's looking at me with sad eyes and he's worrying his bottom lip.

This only makes me feel worse I didn't mean to upset them and guilt washes over me and I release a shakey breath. 

"I'm sorry" it comes out as a sob

"Oh bud why are you sorry" Tayler tries to soothe letting me rest my head on his hand using his thumb to stroke my cheek

"I-I couldn't make myself little" I force out my breath feels like it's leaving me and I whine

"That's okay buddy if you want to be little we're here to help you" Griffin tries to comfort me moving closer to me to try and hold me

I shake my head and back up

"I don't want to be little" I cry pulling away from Tayler backing myself into the corner by the door

The boys look at eachother worriedly before taking a step back I guess to make sure I don't feel cornered.

"Payton if you don't want to be little why were you trying to be little" Tayler asks confused

"If you don't like being little anymore you don't have to do it" Griffin says

I just shake my head again rubbing at my eyes I open my mouth to speak but just end up gasping

"Take your time Payton okay just calm down a little" Griffin says

I take a few more shakey breaths before speaking

"I still want to be little" I tell them first

"Okay so what's got you so upset" Tayler asks

"I wanted us to hangout when I was big" I begin

"But it felt like you weren't interested in big me so I left and when I ran into Tayler and we came back I decided I'd just force myself to be little cause then you'd at least want to hangout with me but I couldn't make myself little and know you won't want me around" I tell them my breath evened out but tears still streamed down my cheeks

"Payton no no you don't have to be little for us to like you" Tayler says he sounds desperate his voice shakes and his eyes look wet

"Oh Pay we're soo sorry we didn't mean to upset you or make you feel like that" Griffin says his voice is gruff like he's trying to hold in his emotions and stay level headed

"Buddy we love big you and little you and everything in between" Tayler says I see a tear trail down his cheek, he goes to move forward but hesitates obviously not sure to how I'd react so instead he reaches out his hand to me

"Really?" I ask

"Yes Payton really we just want you to be happy and cared for" Griffin says his eyes softening a smile tugging on his lips

I take a deep breath and take Taylers out stretched hand and I'm immediately pulled into a bear hug whispered reassurance and I loves you breathed against my skin, and hands rub my back and card through my hair, kisses pressed to my cheeks and forehead.

I guess they're pretty good at this making me feel better thing.

Stressed Payton Moormeier bromance Where stories live. Discover now