Chapter 2

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The next morning Payton woke up fairly early it was around 7 he had heard Griffin come in late last night at about 3 so he thought he's probably gonna sleep for awhile longer.

Payton got up to shower he locked the bathroom door turned the shower on and stripped, while he waited for the water to warm he turned on his music playing it softly as to not wake Griffin.

He might have been playing his sad playlist but with how stressed and tired he was he wasn't in the mood to be hype.

Once he was in the nice hot water his body relaxes his muscles felt soothed he sang softly to his music but it wasn't long before he broke.

He broke down it soft sobs in the middle of the song he sank to the floor and just cried. He was so stressed he was 16 and he just wanted to be at home, he wanted to sleep in and eat junk and stay up all night playing games and having sleepovers with his friends.

Instead he was here his parents and management said this would be good for his big he didn't want this he wanted a break.

Payton heaved deep heart wrenching sobs he just wanted to be a kid again and skateboard with his friends.

He was hyperventilating he just wanted his mom. Payton cries till the water ran cold. The cold water made him gasp it shocked him out of his crazed state.

He took a few deep breaths before standing turning off the water and stepping out of the shower to dry off.

Looking at himself in the mirror he looked like shit his eyes were red rimmed and still watery, even though he had slept all night he still had bags under his eyes.

Once he's dry he gets dressed an exits the bathroom, he finds Griffin awake on his bed on top of the covers he's in just his boxers texting on his phone.

"Good morning buddy" Griffin says to Payton
But all he gets in return is a shy smile as Payton curls back up on his bed. Payton starts to drift off again and Griffin gets up to get ready for the day.

He brushes his hair and teeth picks out his clothes gets dressed the whole shabang . He knows the boys are waiting for him to come down to breakfast so he makes quick work of getting ready.

Griffin crouches down in front of the once again sleeping Payton he reaches to gently shake his shoulder

"Hey Payton lets go meet the guys for breakfast" Griffin says as the smaller boy comes too
"Mmm okay" Payton says as he gets up

The two boys make their way down stairs meeting with the other boys. The whole group doesn't fit at one table so they sit in small groups.

Their group from dinner last night has saved them spots at their table and they make their way to the buffet.

Payton gathers his food slowly but he loads his plate because he's starving. When he makes his way back to the table Griffin is sitting next to Jaden and Anthony so the only spot left for him is between Bryce and Tayler he sits carefully.

Bryce claps him on the back
"Good morning bub" he says
"Morning" Payton shyly replies

Payton eats slowly and he is most definitely drinking chocolate milk. He eats till he's full and he sits and listens to the older boys talk.

They all keep texting one person's phone will buzz and as soon as they put their phone down everyone else's phones buzz

Payton doesn't know but they are texting eachother Griffin is concerned about the youngest boy he had woken up while Payton was in the shower and heard him crying. He tells the boys and he wants them to all go doe something fun together today he wants Payton to know they want to be his friend.

Anthony text back about how Payton seems so shy and Jaden agrees with him. Tayler says he's not going to feel very comfortable if we don't actually talk to him.

Bryce replies with a quick no more texting before they all put their phones down in sink. Payton doesn't even notice he's lost in space.

Payton is once again chewing on his hoodie string and Griffin reaches over the table and pulls it out from between his lips

"That can't be good for you" he tell him as Payton looks at him annoyed
"I don't care" Payton whines putting the string back between his lips

Payton's Pov: "oh baby boy has an attitude this morning" Bryce jokes bumping his shoulders to me

I blush tomato red at the nickname but smile at him

"So Payton we were thinking of going to a arcade and amusement park today do you want to come?" Jaden ask smiling a charming smile

"Yes yes yes!" I say excitedly I want nothing more than to play games and be a kid I feel a wave of energy was over me and I'm ready to go right this second

"We'll leave at 10:30" Griffin tells me but I'm ready to go right now!

Griffin takes us back up to the room to wait for the other boys to get ready. I make a TikTok I'm bouncing across the room jumping on the bed Griffin pops his head in this back ground in one part and in another he ruffles my hair smiling down at me. I post it right before we leave.

We order and Uber we don't all fit in the Uber someone is gonna have to sit in someone's lap.
I'm the last person in and so Tayler because he's in the seat closet to the door pulls me into to has lap and holds me close.

I get this feeling I'm going to be blushing a lot with these boys but it feels nice to be held close he doesn't let me fall of his lap on hard turns he keeps his arms around me holding me so I fell secured in his lap. It's nice likes he's taking care of me and he gentle when helping me off his lap and out of the car.

Stressed Payton Moormeier bromance Where stories live. Discover now