Chapter 12

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No ones Pov: The next morning Payton was a bit shy when he first came down to breakfast he wasn't little but he was embarrassed. But as soon as he realized the boys weren't acting any differently towards him he felt much better.

He finally relaxed around them and felt normal he was holding a conversation being goofy and messing around like he was one of the big boys.

Him and the boys were absolutely stoked on the way to the venue for the meet and greet that day.

He was having the best day meeting his fans he felt great he wasn't getting tired and he was just loving life.

He got to his very last fan of the day and was quick to give her the biggest hug he could she was sweet telling him how much she loved him and how adorable he was. 

Before she left she told him she had a gift for him.
She opened her backpack and produced a baby blue fuzzy onesie with little bear ears on the top.

He thanked her greatly for it as she left. As the boys said goodbye to all the girls and made their way to the back room Payton was holding tightly to the onesie.

It was hot out but they always kept the bus cold and the hotel rooms were always freezing so that gave him an excuse to wear it right?

"Payton" Tayler says placing a hand on Payton's should causing the small boy to look up suddenly at him.

"I called your name like five times buddy you must of zoned out. But it's time to load up and get back to the hotel" Tayler says

He gathers his things and makes his way to the bus.

Once back to the hotel Payton settles onto his bed he had rushed up before Griffin so he was alone. He was right the room was freezing and he desperately wanted to try the onesie.

He stripped of his regular clothes quickly before pulling on the onesie he walks into the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror  he pulls up the hood and smiles. He looks adorable and he rubs his hands over the soft material and sighs he felt so good.

He moved back into the bedroom to sit on the bed he pulls out his phone and just relaxed on the bed to watch some TikToks.

He watches for awhile before he finally heard the door open but it wasn't just Griffin, Payton noticed when Bryce cooed loudly about how cute he was before pouncing on him.

Payton squealed as Bryce made quick work of pinning him down to tickle him. He tried to squirm away asking the other boys for help but they just laughed.

"Stop please Bryce oh my god" Payton laughed breathlessly he was a mess of giggles.

Bryce finally lets up on the smaller boy pulling him into his lap

"This is cute where'd you get it" Bryce asks tugging on the onesie
"A fan gave it to me" Payton tells him

"You look like a teddy bear" Tayler tell him and Payton pulls on the little bear ears showing them to the boys

"Why are you wearing it tho?" Anthony asks

"It's just cold in here" Payton says.

"Are you sure that's it" Griffin asks looking down at himself then around to the guys

Payton realizes the everyone is dressed like it's summer and seems unbothered by the temperature in the room.

"I just wanted to wear it" Payton says unsure

"Okay buddy" Griffin smiles at him

The boys hangout in the room they made a few TikTok they all tried to vlog some having more success than others.

Eventually Payton is just laying in bed on his stomach softly kicking his feet playing on his phone.
Bryce managed to drag the other boys into the bathroom to fill more tiktoks. Eventually Griffin came out of the bathroom to sit by him.

Griffin rubbed Payton's back softly and he looked down at the smaller boy.

"Hey buddy" he said
"Hi" Payton respondes not looking up
"Buddy... did you maybe want to be little" Griffin asks softly

Payton turns to look a Griffin for a second
"I don't need to" he says turning away
"I know you don't need to but it's okay to want to" Griff tells him
Payton shrugs thinking for a second
"I don't really know what to do" He tells the older boy
"We can try together and I don't think the boys would mind we loved little you last night" Griffin says getting the smaller to turn and look at him again.

"Why are you guys helping me be little" Payton asks shyly
"We just want to help" he's told
"But...i don't know like what about caregivers and daddy's how do I find that" Payton asks

"I'm not sure bud but we can figure it out okay" Griffin says

"So I can be little now?" Payton asks shyly
"If that's what you want" Griff says

Payton bounced off the bed and over to his bag he pulls out his paci and runs back to the bed to hand it to Griffin.

Griff clips it to the top of the onesie and then pops the nub between Payton's lips softly earning him a smile from behind the pacifier.

Payton crawls back onto the bed bouncing slightly. He giggles as he bounces and it's not long before he's bouncing back and forth from the two beds excitedly.

When the boys finish trying to make their TikToks they are greeted by a bouncing baby boy.


"Hey buddy" Tayler says snatching the bouncing boy from the bed to hold on his hip. He gets a big smiles but it causes the paci to fall from Payton's mouth.

Thanks god for the clip as Tayler can easily pop the paci back in Payton's mouth. He tickles the boy lightly earning the sweetest little giggles.

He brings Payton over to the bed settling him between himself and Griffin.

"What do you want to do bud" Tayler asks

"Can we color" he asks shyly

Stressed Payton Moormeier bromance حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن