Chapter 7

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I turn away heat raising up my neck and my heart pounding out of control, I'm quickly surged with anger and sadness. I can't believe it, of all people it had to be stupid Malfoy.

"Hermione..." his voice shakes from what sounds like fear, almost like he's scared I'm about to explode. The sound of his voice fills me with the terrible want to just give in.

I shake my head, "I'm going to bloody hell for this..." I turn back to Draco and grab him around his neck. I bring him down to my height so I can perform something that should be classified as unforgivable, I kissed him.

He hesitates for a moment then wraps his arms around me just above my waist. I feel as though I've stepped off a cliff trusting something to catch me, a dangerous game but I feel free and I can breathe. Almost as though I'm drifting down not falling, his skin touching mine sends electric feelings jolting and dancing under my flesh.

One would think I believed in soulmates since I can literally perform spells and fly on invisible horses, but I don't believe someone has only one person out in the world. I however in this moment almost feel as though there could be such a thing, and destiny did a bad job on matching me and Draco.

"Hermione...?" A hurt, pain filled voice shatters the moment, I'm no longer drifting. I've fallen on giant spikes. I push Draco away as hard as I could, and I stared at him in horror before I turn to my left. Down the corridor there's a clearly heartbroken Fred standing with a handful of poppies drooping to his side. My heart catches in my throat, I want to say something to tell him it meant nothing to tell him any and every lie to fix him. But I would then be doing exactly what Draco did, and made me hate him.

I begin to do something I've never done before, I begin to freeze physically and mentally. I don't want this situation, I don't want to be here. So before Fred can do what any guy would do when finding their girlfriend kissing another guy and walk away in a stem of anger and hurt, I do it instead. I turn the opposite way from Fred and run. Not in anger but it disgust of myself, afraid of what is gonna happen, I run from my problems. Hermione Granger the brightest witch of our generation has become a coward, One day I'm fighting death eaters, and the next I'm running from the confrontation of boys.

I run and run, my legs growing numb. A blast of pin stabbing cold hits me as I rush out the front hall doors of the school, the pain almost feels good, as if I deserve it. I practically throw myself down the hill as I run towards the whomping willow. I've created the need to rush as I fall to the cold and hard ground searching for a long stick. The grass blurs together as I have tears forming yet again in my eyes, and soon the hot tears are pouring down my face. I finally find a good stick and stand up quickly and carefully touching the knot on the tree to tranquilize it. I slide down in a dark hole at the base of the tree's trunk and yelp when I fall face first into the dirt. I stand up brushing off the dirt on my dress and pull out my wand.

"Lumos," My wand gives off a small light, illuminating the dirt walls around with roots intertwining in and out. I rush down the tunnel before me and hurry to the one place I'm pretty sure no one will expect me to go.

I shove up the old trapdoor, unsettling layers of dust causing me to sneeze. I pull myself up through the small hole tearing a few stitches loose on my dress, but I no longer care. The night that was supposed to be blissfully problem free, turned into the worst night ever. And it was completely and obviously my fault. Fred's probably gonna tell everyone; there goes my reputation from brightest witch, to player witch. Kissing someone who isn't my boyfriend. "What is wrong with me?" I yell throwing my arms up and resting them to my sides as I carefully walk up the unstable wooden stairs of the Shrinking Shack.

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