"The Dauphin, or in other words Prince Leroux, is who the people refer to as the Beast. You see, Adam was given Castle Leroux as a gift for his thirteenth birthday from his father the Great Emperor. We Fontaines, and Merlaes were sent to help educate him in the ways of politics and everything else he needed to know for his eventual ascension to the throne. The Merlaes, except Sebastian, had remained at the castle the night the curse begun. We Fontaines returned home because Alveary was feeling ill and did not want to risk her passing whatever she had come down with to the Dauphin. We took Sebastian home on our way back to the estate because he was tired. It was a few hours before midnight when we got word of what happened at the castle. A servant who had been sent in the middle of the chaos showed up bloody and disheveled on our doorstep sobbing uncontrollably."

By chaos she must have meant the massacre. It was one of the rumors that spread through the town after the curse took hold. It was said that everyone in the castle at the time was slaughtered by the Beast. Though, that one died down rather quickly because, from what the Madams of the market said, it came from one person, and no one could confirm where that person got the information from.

She folded what seemed to be a letter and placed a seal on it, prepping it to be sent off. "It took days, but finally she explained what happened in her own words. She had gone on about how someone arrived at the door that night asking for an audience with the Dauphin. Adam insisted he would see what the person wanted and then would retire to his chambers to rest. She went on to say she saw a bright light then heard yelling coming from the entrance. A hand then grabbed the young Dauphin's face and forced a large cup to his mouth proceeding to pour, what she described to have been, a dark red liquid of some sorts. He fell to the floor convulsing and crying out in pain. In a panic she called out for help and by the time others arrived, including Monsieur and Madam Merlae, the visitor was long gone. The girl was instructed to get Garna, the Dauphin's personal servant, but when the two arrived in the foyer there was blood and dead bodies littering the floor, however, the Dauphin was not among them. Garna instructed her to quietly take the servants entrance and come straight to me."

"So, the rumors were true after all?" It was hard to believe, but then after being plagued by the curse that had kept us trapped for the past seven years, I had no right to refuse the existence of an actual Beast.

"Mostly." She took a seat in a chair that was directly across from me, "The only thing that bothers me is not knowing his reason behind taking the girls. Though, we are missing a huge piece of the story because she left to find help twice."

"I am just as confused as you are, Madam. Perhaps it is a condition of the curse? Maybe the person forces him to deliver young girls to them for sacrifices or something?" I had no idea what to do with the information she had just bestowed upon me. It was very enlightening, for sure, but it only caused me to have more questions instead of giving me answers.

"I too thought the same." Her face had softened as the time grew late, "I trust you to not utter anything you heard here tonight to anyone. However, if you betray that trust, know I will make sure the marriage to Monsieur Merlae you have been running away from, will take place as soon as possible."

"Yes, Madam. I fully understand." Her threat was unnecessary, but I understood why she had to say it.

"Good. I think it is about time we all retire for the night. We shall continue lessons in the morning, Alveary please show her to the blue and white room. That is where you will be sleeping for the duration of your stay, I hope you find it to your liking."

Madam Fontaine was a quite daunting and strong woman, yet she seemed to have a softer side to her no matter how hard she tried to conceal it. She had a motherly air about her that reminded me of my own mother, and I found it very comforting. Papa was right when he said I would enjoy being around other women for a change.

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