{Ch. 16} Candles and Fireworks ✓

Start from the beginning

The tag on it read, "To: Angela, from: Sam—the best friend a girl could ask for."

In it awaited a complete outfit, from the accessories to the shoes. A white ruffled blouse, a black blazer with bejeweled lapels, and black frayed shorts greeted me, price-tags thankfully missing (last birthday, Sam had forgotten to even blot out the prices). Cowboy ankle boots and black stud earrings completed the look.

Sam helped me get ready: she shimmied me into the shorts and top, ditching the blazer because it was already too hot outside; she brushed makeup on, contouring like a professional; and she did my hair in an extravagant up-do that required all the bobby pins I owned.

Kissing my cheek, she promised to return once she was dolled up and ready to party.

Meanwhile, Kae, Mom, and I prepared the house and the backyard for guests. During my makeup with Sam, Kae had mowed the lawn and Mom had baked. Now Mom cleaned the kitchen, living room, and the downstairs bathroom. Kae and I moved outside, draping streamers through tree branches and hoisting a birthday banner along the back patio. We hosed off the patio furniture, setting it up in the sun for a quick dry. Kae checked the grill and I blew up balloons. It made me lightheaded, so we traded jobs for a bit.

When Sam returned, the backyard had transformed into a party just waiting for its guests. She hooked up the stereo system and blasted the music. It caused all of us to burst into random dance sessions.

Come noon, we were hungry, and I would have felt tired had my excitement not kept me active and bubbly. But at last we finished. Now came the hard part: waiting.

Taylor and her girlfriend arrived first. They offered to help with any last-minute things, and so they assisted Mom, Sam, and Kae with bringing the foodstuffs onto the tables outside.

Justin showed up next, smiling. "Happy birthday, you beautiful desert blossom."

I chuckled. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world." He winked and waltzed into the backyard. He helped with the last-minute food and decorations. Having another friend from Hope and Miracles attend my party brought an excited trill to my heart.

The doorbell continued to ring, guests appearing one after the other. Good friends from high school arrived in groups of three. My co-volunteers from H and M often came alone, unless they brought their significant others with them.

At five-till-one, I opened the door to find Iggy standing there, a bag in hand and his aviators glinting in the sunlight. He wore a blue muscle Tee, jeans, and Vans. He sported his usual accessories, even the dirty secret smirk.

"Happy birthday, new kid." He tapped his cane against the step into the house, and I moved aside to let him in.

"Thank you. The festivities are in the back." I glanced down the hall to the back door. "I – I can take you there."

"Special treatment? I'm honored."

I led him to the backyard, where the guests mingled and danced and nibbled from the fruit and vegetable trays. When Sam noticed us, she ditched Niam and rushed over.

"Is this the guy?"

Iggy's brow quirked. "I'm known as 'the guy' to your friends, am I?"

I waved my hand. "Sam, this is Ig – Will. This is Will. Will, this is Sam, my best friend."

He dipped his head in greeting. "Nice to meet you."

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