Chapter 196: The broken sword

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The streets on the bottom of the Jade Void Mountain were bustling: children's happy laugh, vendors' shouts and pedestrians' chatting were intertwined together. Long Zhanye led Huo Zaiyuan on the street alley by hand, shaking off those people following behind them very easily, Lu Rong and Xu Ruoming.

"Zé, so annoying. Disappointedly following us is one of its kind" Long Zhanye hummed with a look of despise. He then lowered his head to look at Huo Zaiyuan in his arms and slowly said: "Darling, you truly can attract mosquitoes and flies. It seems that from now on I have to watch closer" pff, something has sneaked in again {this sentence... what does it mean??? 噗,好像又有什么东西混进去了}

'Attracting mosquitoes and flies'... Huo Zaiyuan's mouth twitched. He ferociously glared at him: "Why are you saying this, that Xu Ruoming was provoked by you!" Heng, the idea of beating him was nerve-wracking: "Idiot! Misunderstanding what! I only treat Lu Rong as a senior brother, nothing more..." Huo Zaiyuan said. On his face appeared a faint blush {note1...}: "When I was younger I couldn't understand. But now I have grown up... my heart is small, enough for you. If another person was stuffed in, then it would be too forced" Huo Zaiyuan abruptly expressed himself clearly.

{note1...: missing part 羽翦轻垂}

Long Zhanye was moved, he hugged him very tightly: "I know, because you can only be mine. Even if there could be another person in you heart, I have some ways to eliminate him"

"Hehe, very rare to see... you wouldn't have confidence in yourself" Huo Zaiyuan laughed and kissed on his {Lzy} cheek and then led him over the street outside the alley.

"I'm not kidding"

"I know you are very serious" Huo Zaiyuan smiled: "That... such an excellent man like you, Zhanye... How could I like someone else?" finished saying, his small ears reddened, obviously because he felt bashful.

Long Zhanye's face reddened too, he hugged that person who made his heart miss a beat for love. His mouth got closer and kissed those sweet lips.

This was Huo Zaiyuan's first time strolling the market from when he left the Taoist Sect, therefore he was extremely interested towards many things. Glancing at this stall, staring at that stall. His face was brimming with happiness.

Lzy was behind him, looking at that person bouncing vivaciously, he was swayed from his {Hzy} happiness. A pampering glint flashed in his eyes.

This scene... he would never have thought it in the past...

But this simple and warm scene... they have gone through two worlds, he and Huo Zaiyuan have just come together thus he absolutely wouldn't destroy it... No matter the price, this time, he will properly take care of him.

"Doctor! I beg you! I beg you! Save my child!!!!" suddenly, from the front came the suffering voice of a woman, arousing Huo Zaiyuan and Long Zhanye's attention. The two gazes followed the sound of weeping and they saw a woman full of tears holding a child in her bosom and kneeling on the ground. She was kowtowing before an uncle wearing common middle aged clothes, her forehead was heavily leaning on the ground, she already knocked till some blood flowed out. All around there were many people pointing and discussing.

"Madam, it isn't because I don't agree to treat your child, rather... this child's condition... I suppose that elixirs aren't effective" that middle aged doctor felt embarrassed, and then lightly shook his head.

"No! It can't be! Doctor, you are someone who helps people! How can you not be able to save my child! I beg you! Save my child! If you want money, just say it! My husband has money, I will pay you! I beg you!, save my child!" and again, she knocked her forehead on the ground.

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