Chapter 178: Heretical Dragon awakens

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Flesh and blood fly as bodies thud to the ground, motionless. No matter how skilful these intruders are, none are able to prevail against the large group of beasts within the mountain. In less than an hour's time, the group of eight men are mercilessly torn limb from limb, their corpses devoured by the carnivorous animals. By the end of it all, not even a single bone remains.

The Lone Horned Jackal is a beast that looks similar to a house cat. One shouldn't judge it due to its size, for within this Evil Dragon Mountain, this beast is one of the most dangerous creatures. To compensate for its small stature, Lone Horned Jackals are gifted with extreme cunning and intelligence.

When hunting their preys, a Lone Horned Jackal will not attack head on. Nor will it aim to kill swiftly, ending lives in a single strike. Like a cat playing with a mouse before they eat, this beast will allow its prey to run while it chases, amusing itself with its target until it collapses from fear and exhaustion. Only then will the Lone Horned Jackal end its prey's life.

This little beggar's silver hair has already been pawed at until it is a frightful mess. Tripping and stumbling, his clothes have long accumulated countless stains and tears. Large rips can be seen on a shoulder, travelling down towards his back. Blood continuously flows from the shallow scratches on his skin.

"Go away...go away. Don't eat me...wuwu..." Stumbling forward, the child waves his weak arms towards the Lone Horned Jackal stalking him.

In the beast's eyes, this weak little creature doesn't possess the slightest threat. As the little beggar trips over a protruding tree root, it eventually cannot resist the enticing smell of this prey any longer. Scarlet eyes widening, it pounces on the child with a sharp yowl.

Instinctively throwing a hand out as the Jackal leaps forward, the child falls back to the ground. Sharp teeth clamp around a dirty sleeve and rip a strip from it. A fair, slender hand is exposed. Around the small wrist, a faint silver light shines.

Before the beast can bite down on the hand, silver light converges around the little beggar's arm. A translucent dragon flashes into existence, roaring in anger. One moment, the Jackal is snarling in aggression and the next moment, it screeches in terror before fleeing for its life, tail between its legs.

The little beggar doesn't know what happened, but seeing the beast flee, he scrambles back to his feet. Sobbing and running, he continues his way.

Mouth constantly chanting "don't eat me, don't eat me," and vision blurred by tears, he doesn't see the lake until it is too late. With a splash, he falls right into the ice-cold water.

Having never learned to swim before, and coupled with his terrified state of mind, he doesn't struggle. Slowly, the little figure is drawn down into the dark depths.

Only when water enters his nose and mouth does the little beggar struggle. However, the lack of oxygen saps his remaining strength, making him stop... Just as it seems death will sink its claws into this little child, just as his heart gives one last stuttering beat, the little beggar's body jerks. Silver rays of light flow out of his body, cocooning him. A single tendril of golden light flies out and shoots towards the bottom of the lake.

Similar to a key slotted into the right lock, the golden tendril spreads across the bottom of the lake. Instantly, a pair of golden eyes opens, illuminating the darkness. The water begins to surge, causing a large amount of bubbles to rise.

Along with the sudden roar of a dragon echoing out of and over the mountain, a large, serpentine body shoots upwards, wrapping around the sinking child before breaking through the surface of the lake.

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