Chapter 136: Black talisman

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As Huo Zaiyuan's interdimensional space contains a lot of items, the bag of food he takes out can be considered very luxurious now, at this stage of the apocalypse. A bag of five instant noodles, three cup noodles, five loaves of soft bread and a few bottles of milk tea and fruit juice.

"Heavens ah, I haven't eaten such soft bread in a long while. How in the world did you manage to get hold of this?" Cradling the loaf in his hands, An Mingxi reverently takes a bite out of it.

When the apocalypse began, although the safe zones in the top five cities were swiftly established, wasting no time to bring in survivors and scavenge supplies, bread is still a perishable good with a short shelf-life. There is no stopping it from becoming mouldy after a few days. Thus, with the passing of time, even instant noodles have become a rarity, let alone bread.

"On the way from Z City to A City, little Yuan and I came across a few shopping malls and manage to find materials for baking cakes. Once we returned to A City, we met a baker and gave him materials to bake with," Long Zhanye answers without hesitation.

Naturally, what he said was all a lie. Huo Zaiyuan has all sorts of food within his space, don't say a few loaves of bread. However, this explanation wouldn't make one doubt his ability to produce such soft and delicious bread from seemingly nowhere.

"So good." An Mingxi's eyes shine with happiness before a trace of regret seeps in. "I don't have such luck being able to meet a baker or whatever, and also don't know how to bake. Not long after Judgement Day, most shopping malls were already looted clean. Now, only select places with many zombies still hold a lot of goods. But, of course, one will need to risk their lives when looting those places."

"If you follow this older brother, even if the food is not very appetizing, at least you wouldn't go hungry." Seated to one side, Long Hongjian declares even as he contentedly devours a cup noodle.

"Uhuh, older brother Hong, don't worry. I wouldn't abandon you and follow eldest brother Long just because he has soft bread," An Mingxi comforts with a smile.

"Un, so well-behaved."

The short interaction between them cause the others to laugh out loud. In this cold, dim house, it provides everyone within with a blanket of warmth and comfort.

After their meal, everyone settles down in the hall to rest. Huo Zaiyuan sits cross-legged before the coffee table and takes out the black talisman folded into a square.

"Junior Martial Uncle, what are you planning to do with it?" An Mingxi slinks over, staring inquisitively as Huo Zaiyuan begins to unfold it.

Overhearing An Mingxi's question, Long Zhanye who is laying on the sofa sits up and leans forward. Long Hongjian also approaches, and Ah Shou and Ah Gong's gazes fall on Huo Zaiyuan.

Slender fingers flip the black paper over, nimbly unfolding it before smoothing it out on the table, displaying it for everyone to see. A series of characters are written on the paper with a strange purple ink, which emits a chilling aura that causes one's hair to stand on end.

"What...what sort of rune is this? Junior Martial Uncle, you...have you come across this before?" An Mingxi turns to Huo Zaiyuan, asking in a small, cautious tone.

For some reason, he feels this talisman is really weird and eerie...

"I have never come across this rune before, but I do recall seeing something similar," Huo Zaiyuan replies, then pulls the backpack of food towards him. Reaching in while pretending to search for something, he takes out the Zhang family's ancient text from his space.

An Mingxi's cultivation is still pretty low, and the others do not understand Taoist Arts. Thus, they will only be able to feel the chilly aura emitting from the talisman when they look at it. For Huo Zaiyuan who is already at the fourth level and meditate every night, however, he is extremely sensitive to demonic aura and evil energy. Thus, not only can he feel the evil energy seeping out of the rune, he is also able to see the faint aura of death permeating this talisman.

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