Chapter 112: The infection spreads

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The same Private who greeted them at the gates and showed them to the separate housing is waiting for them when the party of four emerges from the temporary lodging. As soon as they come to a stop before him, he hands four cards to Long Zhanye.

"Senior officer, this is M City's safe zone's access card. If you want to leave the safe zone, just directly hand this over to the guards at the gates."

"Un." Taking the cards, he gives one each to the other three.

Having this access card on hand equals proof of being given the all clear and allowed out of the separated building after observation. Anyone with this card is allowed freedom to roam around the safe zone, save for a few restricted areas. This way of doing things is another issue Long Zhanye raised with his grandfather that day in X City.

As one is able to see from M City's strict policies, grandfather Long paid special attention to all the potential security risks in the safe zones.

The soldier leads Long Zhanye and the others into the military district's aircraft hangar. Heading up to the third floor, there are already people awaiting their arrival.

Clad in a perfectly pressed and ironed green military uniform with a solemn expression on his face, the district leader is seated ramrod straight in his chair. He looks to be around thirty or forty years old and has an air of trustworthiness and reliability. As soon as he catches sight of Long Zhanye, he rises and salutes.

Twenty-six cities, twenty-six military districts, from Z City being the lowest and A City being the highest, Long Zhanye's status as A City's senior officer means he ranks many times higher than this district's leader.

"District leader, don't need to stand on ceremony. I came this time to only spend the night and at the same time be updated on the current circumstances," Long Zhanye says blandly with a light smile, taking a seat under the deferential invitation of the district leader.

Huo Zaiyuan, Qin Jun and Li Qing also sits in that respective order. Very quickly, someone enters to serve them hot tea.

"Four days ago, the weather started to turn rather unusual. Electrical waves also became very unstable. Day before yesterday, starting from nightfall, A District's general headquarters suddenly lost contact with the other districts. Commander-in-chief Long did say there is a possibility you might pass through M City and will seek to spend the night here. Thus, I've been waiting for our eventual meeting." After saying this, he turns to give a few instructions to his second-in-command.

The second-in-command nods and walks into another room to retrieve a file, handing it over to Long Zhanye. "This is the document detailing the "mercenary squad" plan that Commander-in-chief Long passed down to the bases. M City's safe zone has already initiated this plan the moment we received these orders. After three days of preparation, we sent out several small squads to search for survivors and necessary supplies. From the multiple reports received from quite a few squads, we discovered that a handful of zombies have gradually become stronger. Within this folder are information and resources that I hope you are able to pass onto A City's headquarters."

Long Zhanye nods, flipping the file open to look at the documents within. At minimum, there are at least ten pages of detailed records.

Scanning through each page, his eyebrows rise, then he tucks the papers back into the folder and hands it over to Huo Zaiyuan for safekeeping.

"District leader, I have a question."

"Please ask." Hearing Long Zhanye's words, a trace of nervousness appears on the district leader's face.

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