Lying Never Got Anyone Anywhere

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"He said WHAT?!"

Flaky was not happy.

No, correction. Flaky was pissed.

As soon as she heard Nutty tell her that Flippy told him that he and her were dating, she was shocked and she couldn't believe Flippy would lie or talk behind her back. So her reaction was completely rational as she got up from her bed and looked at Nutty to explain.

"Like I said before, he came to my house and just told me that you two were dating. And that's why I was feeling a bit guilty when we became closer."

"I-I still don't understand."

"Understand what?"

"I still don't understand w-why Flippy would lie about that to you."

"I guess he didn't want to lose his best friend."

Flaky frowned and huffed, "Well, I think h-he just did."


Today was the day. The day the student's English projects were due. The whole class was buzzing with anticipation to see what their friends and classmates had in store for the assignment. Handy stood at his desk, a wide smile on his face as he greeted his students.

"Good afternoon, students! In case some of you forgot, our big English project is due today and I want to get right into it. So Giggles and Shifty can go first, then I'll just call out more people once they've presented."

Giggles and Shifty's project was alright. It seemed like Giggles did most of the work though as Shifty was just "supervising" and didn't seem to keen on helping. Giggles had a giant poster board painted pink with the words:

'What I LOVE about our school and it's students.'

Then in a numbered list were the things they loved. And Shifty read them off in a strained voice as though it was physically hurting him to say phrases like "the cute teachers" and "the amazingly awesome classes".

Handy gave the two a sheepish smile, "Very. . .good, guys. I'll give you a B."

A couple more students presented their projects and then finally it's was. . .

"Flaky and Nutty! You two are up!"

The two friends walked up to the front of the classroom. Both Flaky and Nutty had a small stack of papers in their hands. Everyone stared at them and Flaky felt her heartbeat quicken. She hated talking in front of people, it terrified her to no end. Suddenly Flaky felt warmth in her other hand and looked down to see Nutty had interlocked their fingers and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Maybe this won't be so bad. . .", Flaky thought

Nutty smiled at his classmates, and called out, "Hey guys! I'm Nutty!"

"And I'm F-Flaky."

"And today we are going to show you our project called Questioning Opinions: The Difference Between The Lie And The Truth"

"Our project was to show h-how different people's o-opinions of someone is when that someone a-ask and when someone else asks the same questions."

"The topic of our question was me and how you all feel about me. Or what you told Flaky and what you told me."

Flaky looked down at her paper and read off of it, "O-0ur questions were: What do you like m-most about Nutty? What do you not like most a-about Nutty? What is one thing you wish Nutty would change about h-himself?"

Nutty smiled and shuffled through his papers before pulling one out, "Here are the answers you gave me. These answers are from Flippy, Giggles, and Cuddles"

"Your hair color is awesome. Your eyes are nice."

"You are a bit too crazy and kind of lonely looking."

"Maybe eat less sugar and not go crazy all the time."

Flaky smiled and felt a bit more confident as she held up the paper that had her answers for the questions. But then her smile went away as soon as she saw the answers the teens gave her. They were very different from what Nutty got for answers.

She sighed, she knew she had to read them, "Now f-for the answers you gave me. A-Also from Flippy."

"I guess his hair look okay?"

"He is weird. He is annoying. He is just plain crazy."

Now the class was laughing a bit, mainly Flippy and the boys as Flaky read her answers.

"He needs to stop acting like a five-year-old with an overactive imagination."

The whole classroom stopped laughing when Handy cleared his throat loudly, "Students, please quiet down and let them finish.", then everyone went quiet and Nutty shuffled through his papers to find the final part of their project.

"The whole point of our project was to show how different people's opinions are of someone when they are faced with talking about that said person And how different it is when someone is talked about behind their back to their supposed "friends". In conclusion, this school has some good people, some bad people, but most importantly it has people.

Then Flaky jumped into giving the ending part of their speech.

"T-These people might change. These people might grow apart. But sometimes you'll find a certain someone who just sticks with you until the end. Those p-people are worth it. Not the ones who talk bad behind someone's back."

Flaky and Nutty then gave a small bow, signaling that their project was over. It was silent for a good five seconds before Petunia, Giggles, and even Flippy stood up and started clapping. Handy was smiling bigger than the students had ever seen him.

"Amazing use of real-world questioning. Very good points towards the end. You both deserve an A."

Flaky and Nutty smiled and hugged each other tightly in hearing that. They passed! They finished their project together and passed! Nutty's smile went away when he remembered what had to deal with now.

Now they had to deal with Flippy and everything would be good.

Hopefully. . .

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