Showing Up Uninvited, But Not Unwanted

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The days after figuring out their project, Flaky and Nutty started to spend more time together in and out of classes. Since they had nearly every class together, they were inseparable. Flaky wasn't sure at first if Nutty would be a good friend as he didn't seem to care about anything except candy.

But her opinion of the sugar-addicted guy was changed when he showed up at her doorstep.

It was nearly a week after they had been assigned partners and Flaky was relaxing at her house since it was already Friday night, so she spent it her usual way: making a bowl of ramen noodles and watching television until midnight.

Although she had a lot of friends at school, Flaky didn't really enjoy going out to hang out with her friends as her anxiety disorder would go in overdrive if her friends tried to drag her anywhere with too many people or just people in general.

So her weekend nights were spent alone at her house. Lights on in every room and the television on a good volume. She was just getting settled into her spot on the couch in the living when she heard the doorbell sound, signifying she had visitors.

"Who c-could that be?", Flaky muttered as she got up reluctantly from her seat and made her way over to her front door. She pulled it open and saw the last person she'd expect to ever visit her:


He smiled when he saw her, "Hey Flaky!"

"Hello, Nutty? Um. . .W-Why are you here?"

"I came by to visit you, cause I was bored, and I ran out of candy to eat at my house, so I wondered if you had any and also cause I think we are friends and friends are supposed to hang out. So wanna hang out with me?"

Flaky's mind barely registered the tidal wave of words that spewed out of the green-haired boy's mouth faster than a bullet. She nodded slowly, "Yes."

Nutty smiled bigger and without giving any warning, pulled the timid redhead into a hug. Flaky squeaked softly in surprise and slight terror, but soon relaxed and hugged him back. Her senses calmed down as she breathed in slowly, noticing Nutty smelled slightly like cinnamon.

She didn't know why but she felt comfortable with hugging Nutty, as unlike with her other friends she feels panicky and uncomfortable when she hugged them. But with Nutty it was different. She felt calm, not nervous like usual.

She felt safe.

Then Nutty let go and just stood there, smiling slightly, "So you gonna invite me in?"


After letting him inside her house, Flaky sat Nutty on the couch and went into the kitchen, only for Nutty to get off the couch to follow her as soon as she sat him down. He rummaged through her cupboards, possibly to find something sweet to eat. Flaky ignored him and went back to making her ramen.

Moments later, Nutty appeared beside her, chocolate bar in his mouth. She smiled while he ate, thinking how he looked as happy as a little kid whenever he ate candy. Nutty finished the candy and looked at the noodles boiling in the pot.

"What are you cooking?"

"R-Ramen noodles. Would you like s-some?"

Nutty shook his head, "No, thanks. I am more of a sweets person."

Flaky smiled, "Believe me, I know. But maybe you should try and eat something else?"

"Maybe. Fine, I'll give it a try."

So Flaky made him a bowl of noodles as well, along with her own. She handed him the bowl and Nutty smiled at her, nodding his thanks and then left to go sit on the couch, turning on the television again and switching through the channels until he found a cooking show on. Flaky came in and sat next to him, her own bowl of noodles in her hands.

The two sat in silence, the only sounds were the television and the sounds of spoons clinking against bowls. Flaky didn't notice until now how close the two were sitting and smiled slightly. This was the first real friend she had over. Sure GIggles and Petunia came over sometimes, but it was usually to gossip about the boys they liked or something equally uninteresting to Flaky.

And now here she was! Eating dinner and watching television with someone who actually wanted to be around her. She smiled bigger and Nutty noticed his new friend's rather happy attitude.

"You look happy? Why?"

"No reason. Just happy."

Nutty nodded and smiled back, although slightly confused, "Make sense, I guess."

A couple of hours went by in flash and soon Nutty was gone, giving his friend one more hug before leaving. Flaky smiled, watching him go and then left to go clean up their ramen bowls from earlier. She gasped when she suddenly had a great idea. Well not a great idea, it was more like a weird crazy idea that could possibly fail spectacularly.

What if she could get Nutty to act like this way around other people? Then maybe people would actually like him.

Or it could go completely wrong and cause Flaky to lose all of her friends. . .

Well, Flaky knew what she had to do. It was the obvious choice after all!

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