First NZ show

Beginne am Anfang

Kalene was watching from the side of the stage and hoped she'd help make the night for her new purple-headed acquaintance. The group did the same for Lynne except Austin and Tim switched places as did Chance and Adam. As she was thanking them, Nate was again taking more photos. He finally handed her phone back to her so he could get to the next person. The pair moved to sit next to one another near the edge of the stage to look at their new photos.

"New profile pics!" Scarlett beamed before they both burst out into a fit of giggles.

Kalene heard and couldn't help but smile at the pair. Before long, the UVIP's were seated and waiting on the Q&A VIP's to be led in. Everything was going smoothly. There were no more problems with the set up. The merch had been finished being set up and ready for the crowd-free shopping for the VIP's. The band's dinner was almost there. She headed back to Tim & Adam's dressing room to check her texts. She had a few from Genesis so she answered them first.

Once the band had finished the one song, Nate led them off the stage. He returned with Cole and Abe to help Scarlett and Lynne off the stage as well so they could follow the other VIP's to the lobby for their crowd-free shopping. The band got together in the green room where the catering had been set up to make plates. Kalene didn't realized how hungry she truly was until she followed the boys in line.

The crowd's screams were almost deafening despite being such a small venue. "This crowd is going to be wild!" Austin laughed right before Kalene gave them the go-ahead to hit the stage. Scarlett and Lynne were grateful for being in the very first row because everyone was up and out of their seats when the boys hit the stage for their first song of the night, "Dive Bar Saints". They were extra playful, extra funny, and extra talkative that night. It was their first time in a new country and they wanted to make an impression!

The show went without a hitch, got plenty of laughs, and had 99% of the audience on their feet the entire night. Even the ones who were in their chairs, or couldn't stand up, were waving their arms, screaming, and just being crazy. The band couldn't help but feel extra motivated by the crowd's receptiveness. Kalene watched Scarlett and Lynne and hoped they were having a good time. From the smiles and cheers it seemed they were.

After the show, everyone headed out into the lobby to stand in line for the signing line which Abe was still preparing for. Kalene sent Frank to help him set up. There was no sense in tearing down their stage since they were coming back the very next night! Kalene was pulled in for a sweaty, passionate kiss as soon as Tim left the stage after their encore making a few of the guys laugh. It curled her toes and made the world stop.

"Wow! What was that for?" She held onto his upper arms for support.

"If you hadn't have given Luke the idea, he wouldn't have gotten us here. This was by far the craziest crowd we've ever had. One of the best nights on stage ever!" He pulled her in for a tight hug.

"My pleasure, baby! Go get some water and cool off. You have a signing line to do, my love." She wiggled out of his grasp.

"Yes, dear."

She laughed as she sashed away from him and headed out into the lobby to help Abe with the line. Nearly everyone seemed to want to stay! The band stayed for every single person. The people in wheelchairs were asked to stay until the end of the line so that they weren't crowded when they went through the line. Each band member looked everyone in the eye and made their normal chatter as they signed.

"Hi! I made a short book for everyone." Scarlett stated when she was next at the head of the line.

She handed over a homemade book of art she'd made all about him.

"Aww! Thank you so much! I'll definitely be checking this out a little later!" Austin fist-bumped her before sliding the picture she'd bought to Chance.

"This is for you. I made one for each of you." Scarlett stated.

"Thank you! I love fan art!" He beamed at her as he scribbled his name.

She thanked him before moving on to Adam.

"This is for you. I made one for each of you. I hope you like it." She stated.

"I'm sure I will. I'll check it out when I get to my room later!" He looked her in the eye and smiled.

"Hi, Rob! This one is for you." She said, handing the book over.

"Well thank you so much! How thoughtful!" He smiled before scribbling his name on her photo.

She moved down to Tim and Kalene.

"Hi Tim. I made this for you. Well, you and Kalene. I've got some of her in there too. I hope you like it." Scarlett stated as she handed the book over to him.

"Thanks! We all love fan art. Did you enjoy the show?" He asked, scribbling his name down.

"Most definitely! Best show I've ever seen. I don't know how you'll top yourselves tomorrow night!" She laughed as she moved so Lynne could move down to speak with Tim.

Kalene waved at the purple-headed woman who smiled and waved back. There were only one other person left in the signing line so she took the opportunity to scribble down her personal information. Once everyone had gone through the line, she briskly walked over to where Scarlett and Lynne still sitting talking about the show, the signing line, and the UVIP session.

"Hey ladies! We're going to be in town for like a week and a half. We could use a guide. Please give me a call tomorrow. I know a few of us would like to visit Hobbiton. Anything else, we'll leave up to you." She beamed before walking away leaving two stunned fans behind.

"Did she..." Scarlett stated.

"Uh huh." Lynne replied.

"Are we going..." Scarlett asked.

"Uh huh." Lynne replied.

A/N: Well. It seems their show went off pretty well! Think their "tour guides" can handle the job? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Please vote and review below!

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