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First of all, thank you for clicking on my story and giving it a chance! I really appreciate your time, and really hope you like it! 

Don't worry, this story will not have any profanity, as I cannot cuss (it's a mental thing).

(BTW: I will refer to myself as Zap though this story, because I made a stupid mistake and I really wish my Username was ZapTrap, so yeeaaahhhhhhh...)

If you haven't watched Ninjago yet, WATCH IT! It's on Netflix, and online if you Google it. IT IS SO GOOD!!!!! The time you spend on it will be worth it!!!!!!!!

Second, I really don't know how the copyright stuff works, but the only thing I own is this story, so yeah... Oh, and please no plagiarism!

Third, I am a HHHHHHUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jay fan!!!!!! He is absolutely adorkable, funny, cute, and perfect and the very best!!!(no offense to any of the other ninja, you're amazing too) so I will probably make most of this about him, so sorry in advance...😊😉💙💙💙💙💙

Also, a quick thing about comments. If you have something mean to say, please just keep it to yourself. This world can be a mean and awful place, and I already get enough of hate in real life, and I don't need it here. If you don't like the story, just don't read it. But don't let that make you feel like you can't comment, I love hearing what you guys think of my writing! Plus, let me know if I made spelling or grammar mistakes, I want my stories to have good grammar and spelling.

This story will be filled with random things that I think of about Ninjago. I'll have theories and headcanons, and I'll also take requests if you want me to publish an idea, or just want to know what I think. My updates are going to be really slow as well because life is busy and I have zero time to do things that are not top priority. I wish I could make this a top priority, but sadly, that is not possible. 😭😭😭😩😩😩

Please check out my other stories too! (This intro may have been familiar to those of you who read my stories, I just copied, pasted and edited the intro there 😉)

- Zap

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