Chapter 24

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I quickly ran down the hall to Jack's room, to see Sam and Dean standing there.
"Weird stuff happens to the kids all the time. They get coughs, bloody noses."
"Where is he? Is he okay?" I asked.
"Cas is trying to see what's going on." Sam said as the baby felt something wrong.
"It's okay." I whispered as Cas came out.
"Is he okay?" Cas sighed.
"I-I did what I could, but I don't I-I don't know what's wrong with him." I ran a hand through my hair.
"But you can figure it out, right?" I asked as clattering came from the room.
"Jack?" We ran in to see Jack on the floor.
"Jack!" He laid on the ground having a seizure as I hid my face in Cas' chest.

We made our way into the hospital, stepping inside Dean yelled out.
"I need a doctor!" I looked around the room to see many patients.
We went to the front desk to talk to the nurse.
"Look, could you just get him inside?" Dean asked for the third time.
"Sir, I just need some basic information. That's the procedure. I do the work-up, then I take him back." She said.
"Okay, the basic information is he's sick." Dean snapped.
"Do you see anyone here who isn't." I tightened my fists.
"His full name, please."
"Jack." Dean said before looking at us.
"K-l-i-n-e." Cas spelled it out.
"Date of birth?" She looked up at us.
"Come on, is this important?"
"What did you say your relationship is to the patient?" The nurse asked.
"May 18th." Sam said as Dean looked at him surprised.
"Date of birth, May 18th." She mumbled.
"2000. '99. 2000." Dean said for the year.
"Uh huh. Family medical history." She looked at us as we had no answer.
"Let's start with the father."
"He's dead." I said rubbing my stomach.
"Cause of death?" She asked.
"He was stabbed through the heart, and he exploded." Cas told her.
"Okay, you know what? We don't have time for this. All right, he's sick. His name is Jack Kline, he is the love of my life and I am pregnant and I don't want our child to grow up without a father like I did. Now what does he need to do to see a fucking doctor?" I snapped as Jack fell to the floor.
"Jack? Jack?!" I ran to his side.
Nurses came and put him on the gurney as we made our way down the hall.
Everything was going so fast, my head almost exploded as I leaned against the wall breathing hard.
"The doctor will handle it." I heard the nurse say as she closed the door.
"Jack, we're right here!" Dean yelled through the door.

I couldn't help myself as a wail came out of my throat as tears streamed down my face.
"I can't - I can't do this. I can't."

I started rocking back and forth hand on my stomach

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I started rocking back and forth hand on my stomach.
I couldn't take it anymore, the past week had been shit and Jack getting sick looking like death finally broke me.
"Juliet, you need to breathe." Sam said softly.
"Just make it stop... please make it stop. It hurts!"

Sam pulled me into his arms as I sobbed holding his jacket thightly

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Sam pulled me into his arms as I sobbed holding his jacket thightly.

Four hours later;

My head rest on Cas' lap as we sat in the waiting room, his hand was tangled in my hair.
"This is crazy." Dean spoke up.
"When Jack became home, I was worried, you know, given what we do, that something would happen to him, but I thought it'd be a vampire or a ghoul, not a friggin' cough. He's just a kid." Dean said.
"Hey, hey, hey. Cas, Jules." We both stood up.
Doctor. So, um."
"What do we know?" I asked.
"Well, I can tell you what we don't know."
"I don't like the sound of that." Dean said.
"Jack's test results all came back negative." She told us.
"That's great, right?"
"Well, Jack he's very ill. We're just not sure what we're up against." She said.
"You said all those tests came back negative." Dean said.
"Well, those test, but we have to run  more tests."
"More tests?" I asked.
"Yes, until we can figure out what's happening to him."
"What is happening to him right now?" Sam asked.
"Jack... Jack's in total systemic failure. His body's in the promise of shutting down." I hid my face in Cas' chest.

Cas and I sat on either side of Jack as he laid in bed.
The boys walked in and grab Jack's stuff.
"What are you two doing?" I sniffed.
"We called Rowena and she agreed to help us." I nodded standing up.
I brushed hair out of his face as Cas wrapped his trench coat around him.
"What's going on?" The doctor charged in.
What's it look like? You can't expect him to hit the street with nothing on but a hospital gown, his ass hanging out." Dean said.
"He's not going anywhere."
"We're getting a second opinion." I snapped.
"Jack?" She asked him.
"We're getting a second opinion." Jack said as he put on his shoe.
"You and he have to acknowledge that you're leaving against medical advice." Sam and Cas helped Jack out.
"Fine, we're leaving." We excited the room.

Juliet Winchester -Jack KlineWhere stories live. Discover now