Chapter 4

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       Jack sat on the ground in the dirt playing with ants, as Sam and Dean talked ways away.
"These little creatures are fascinating." Jack said as I giggled.
"They are called ants... The black ones are completely harmless, but the red aren't so don't touch them." I warned Jack as he nodded.
"How are you feeling?" Jack asked coming to sit beside me.
"A lot better. Thanks for asking." I said.
"So I talked to Sam about the feeling in my stomach and he told me it's normal." Jack said.
"That's good... Don't go hiding your feelings in me now." I said punching his shoulder.
"Why would I do that?" Jack asked curiously.
"I don't know." I shrugged handing him a beer.
"Thank you Juliet." Jack said with a childish smile.
"Welcome." I said as Sam and Dean came over.
"How ya feeling?" Dean asked wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"Way better then before." I said taking a sip.
"Good. Drink up, we have a long ride home." Dean said.
I nodded smiling up at my two big brothers as Sam ruffled my hair.

     I yawned as Sam carried me to my room.
I fell asleep in the back of the impala on the way home so now Sam was carrying me to my room.
"Sammy?" I asked.
"I miss Dad." I told him.
"I do too, Juliet... I do too." He said as he laid me on my bed.
"Goodnight Sammy." I said as he covered me in my blankets.
"Goodnight, Juliet." Sam kissed my forehead before leaving.


        I rolled over in bed, gliding into another body causing me to shot up in bed.
There laying in bed beside me was Jack, sleeping peacefully.
My eyes softened as I watched him sleep.
"Juliet." Jack mumbled in his sleep.
Jack started to toss and turn, and I quickly went into action and shook him awake.
"Jack. Jack. Hey, wake up it's me." I said.
His eyelid opened and his baby blue eyes were a gold instead.
"Jack?" I asked.
"Juliet... Your all right." Jack said tackling me into a hug.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why are you in my bed?" I asked.
"I-I couldn't sleep so I came in here." Jack confessed.
"Next time wake me up, all right?" I asked as he nodded.
"All right! I'm hungry."
I giggled.
"Let's go get breakfast then." I said patting his shoulder pushing him off of me.

      I burst out laughing as Jack found the toy hidden at the bottom of the box.
"This is so cool." Jack cheered as my laughs down.
"You are adorable." I said as Sam walked in.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked.
"Sam look at this." Jack said going over to Sam.
"I got this toy from the cereal box, Juliet says it a hot wheel." Jack said looking at me to make sure he was right as I nodded.
"I see that... Dean usually gets the toy." Sam said.
"Oh." Jack said disappointed.
I went over to Jack resting my hand on his shoulder.
"Well it's yours, it's dean's fault for not waking up early."

Then a pair of heavy footsteps came down the hall as Dean stood in the door way.
He was rubbing his eyes yawning.
"Who took the rest of the cereal... And is that my toy?!" Dean asked.
"It's Jack's, he was the last one who had cereal so it's his... Sleep late you lose." I told Dean.
"I always get the toy! It's my thing." Dean said childishly.
"Enough Dean."
Dean groaned storming down the hall as I rolled my eyes.
"And he calls you a child." I told Jack as Sam brust out laughing.

     Humming softly Jack watched Shrek as I sat reading one of my many books.
"Juliet." Sam said as I looked up at him.
"Dean and I have another case, do you think you and Jack will be fine here by yourselves?" Sam asked.
"Of course Sam, I'm an adult. Call me if anything happens." I told him.
"I will."
Sam ruffled my hair, then went to Jack to do the same before heading out with Dean.
"Jack?" I asked after a while as he looked over at me.
"Yes? Juliet."
"Do you want to watch Harry Potter in my room? With junk food?" I asked.
"Sure... What's Harry Potter?"
I stood up holding out my hand, he grabbed it as I dragged him to the kitchen.

Juliet Winchester -Jack KlineWhere stories live. Discover now