Chapter 13

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Two Weeks Later;

Bree and I made our way into the bunker, our hair had dried blood and dirt along with our faces and bodies.
"And I thought the other world was bad." Bree said shaking leaves out of her hair.
"Welcome to Kansas." I said as Sam came over.
"Hey chief."
"Hey Sam." Bree and I said at the same time.
"Hey girls... How'd it go?" He asked.
"Good besides the fact that I look like a garbage bin." I said.
"You two did great. Now go shower, you two look like hell." Sam said as I rolled my eyes.
"I've been to hell twice, no way is this it." I said.
I leaned up kissing my big brother's cheek before Bree and I headed to our rooms to shower.

      An hour later, I stepped out of the shower wrapping my towel around me before heading to my room.
Arms wrapped around my waist as I smelled Jack's familiar scent.
"Hey babe." I smiled.
"Hello! What happened to your cheek?" Jack asked stepping in front of me.
His cold hand out lined the cut on my cheek as I grabbed his hand.
"Probably got nicked during the case... But I'm all right." I told him.
"I'm sorry I can't heal you." Jack said as I sighed.
"Jack... I know you feel useless without your powers, but I don't care." I cupped his cheeks.
"Powers or not. I love you do you understand?" Jack nodded as I smiled.
"Good... Now let me get changed, than we can watch "Star Wars" yeah?" I asked.
"Okay... I'll go make popcorn and get snacks." Jack gave me a kiss before skipping away.

        I smiled up at Jack, before pressing a soft his on his jaw line.
"Stop." Jack giggled as I kissed down his neck.
"Juliet... I'm-I'm trying to." Jack grabbed my hands pinning me under him.
Jack bright blue eyes stared into my brown ones, as his pink lips went to my ears.
"Star Wars." Jack said loudly as I giggled.
"Sorry." He moved off of me as I went to crawl on top of him.
He groaned as I nuzzled my face in his neck as my bed room door opened.
"Sorry." I looked at the door to see Sam standing here.
"I'm just cuddling him." I told my brother.
"I can see, anyways... I might have a lead on Dean, so I'm going to go check it out." Sam said as I got off of Jack.
"Do you need me to come?" I asked as he shook his head.
"No, I got this. You need to stay here and help Cass... All right?" Sam asked.
I nodded getting off of the bed to go hug him.
"Be safe, and bring our brother back." I said.
"I will." Sam kissed my forehead.
"Listen to Juliet and Cass." Sam told Jack.
"I will." Jack nodded.
I hugged Sam once more before he left the room.
I waved before closing the door, turning to Jack.
"Cuddles?" I asked.
He smiled opening his arms as I ran jumping on him giggling.

       Cass smiled at me as I placed spaghetti on his plate then moved over to Jack.
"Thank you for dinner, Juliet." Cass said as I sat down.
"Yes, thank you baby." Jack said.
"Don't thank me my boys... Just following orders." I said as Bree walk in"
"Hey... Room for one more?"
"Of course." She sat down beside Cass grabbing some spaghetti.
"Where did Chief go?" Bree asked as I wiped Jack's mouth.
"He found a lead on Dean. So he went to go check it out." I said.
"He left Juliet in charge." Jack said as I looked at my boyfriend.
"No, Bobby and Mary are in charge. I'm in charge of you two." I said pointing at the two boys.
"Your their babysitter!" Bree laughed as I hit her on the head with the wooden spoon.
"Ow!" She rubbed her head.
"I was kidding! I'm going to go take Advil." Bree pushed her chair back walking out.
"Juliet, that was uncalled for."
"Castiel, eat your food young man or your are going to bed." I pointed at him.
He went silent and started to eat his spaghetti as Jack grabbed my hand.
"I love you."
"And I love you too." I said pressing my lips onto his before going back to my dinner.

Juliet Winchester -Jack KlineWhere stories live. Discover now