Chapter 20

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It was 11:30am and I was doubled over the toilet for the past 30 minutes.
"Juliet?" I looked over to see Cas.
"I'm good." I got up flushing the toilet.
"We should get you something to eat." I nodded wiping my mouth.
Cas and I made our way to the map room when a young boy hunter stopped me.
"Can you sign this Miss Winchester." I smiled nodding.
"Of course." I took his pen writing down my name.
"Thank you." He scurried off.
I laughed and made my way out.
"Sam told me." I smiled tears coming to my eyes.
"Dean!" I yelled running to his arms.

"Dean!" I yelled running to his arms

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"Hey princess."
"I missed you so much! You had no idea!" I said.
"I missed you too." He chuckled as I pulled away as Jack hugged him causing me to laugh.
"Oh, so now you care about him?" I scoffed.
"Juliet." Jack tried to stop me causing me to laugh again.
"No, yesterday, you said you would rather have Dean die than to trap Michael. You wouldn't think I'd bring this up?" I asked.
"Juliet, go get something to eat. Okay?" I nodded.

         I sat in the kitchen eating peanut butter and apples as Jack walked in.
"What do you want?" I asked him.
"I don't want you to be mad at me, anymore. I'm sorry." I averted his glaze.
"Baby please." I looked at him.
Tears were brought to my eyes.
"I'm sorry." I started sobbing.
He sighed pulling me into his arms, as I held him tightly.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have said those things about Dean." I pulled away.
"It's okay." I wiped my eyes.
I got up closing the peanut butter before putting it in the cupboard.
"I need to show you something." I held out my hand.

I took him to my room, sitting him on my bed before going to the bathroom.
One of the pregnancy tests and made my way back to him.
"Juliet? What's wrong?" I burst into tears handing him.
"I'm so sorry." I sobbed.
"A baby? We're gonna have a baby?" I nodded tears streaming down my face.
"Yes, but that's the thing Jack. If I have this baby what happened to your mom, will happen to me." His smile fell.
"And I don't want to put you through that." I shook my head.
"Juliet?" I looked up at him.
"I won't let that happen, okay? I promise, I'll keep you safe. And so will Sam and Dean."
"We can't tell Sam and Dean, not yet. We should wait." He nodded.
"Who else knows?" Jack asked.
"Just Bree and Cas, that's it." I responded.
"Come on, let's go see the boys!" He placed the test on the bed before taking my hand.

We stood at the door to see the boys packing bags.
"You're leaving?" Jack asked.
"Kaia's killer is in Sioux Falls. And he, she, or it can hurt Michael. We just gotta figure how." Sam said.
"I'll get my things." Jack said heading to the door.
"Uh, Jack, um that might not be the best idea." Cas told him.
"Michael's my enemy, too. I fought him for months, and Kaia -- I'm the one who brought her into this. I'm responsible for what's happened to her." Jack said as I held his hand.
"I want to help."
"Yeah, well, not gonna happen." Dean said.
"Because I'm human now?" Jack asked irritated.
"Jack, maybe you just need a little more."
"Training? I've been training with Bobby."
"C'mon, kid. Look at you. You're  barley 100 pounds soaking wet. You know." Jack huffed walking out.
"Really Dean?" I asked angrily.
"I didn't mean to be a dick." I rolled my eyes going after Jack.

Jack was in his room alone as I sat in my room, reading.
"Get ready, your coming with us." Dean entered my room.
"Ugh, fine." I got up not wanting to argue.
I went to my dresser pulling out clothes, than put them into my duffle bag.
"Juliet May Winchester! What the hell is this?" I froze in my spot.
I turned to see Dean holding the test in his hand.
"Dean." I said calmly.
"SAM!" Dean screamed as I quickly packed my bag.
"What's wrong?" Sam ran in.
"Our sister is pregnant, with grace-less." I looked down as Sam sighed.
"Go to the car, Juliet."
"Guys, I --."
"Now Juliet." I didn't say anything as I walked out.

Juliet Winchester -Jack KlineWhere stories live. Discover now