Chapter 3

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"So," the Beta Female, Ginny, said, walking to my side. "Are you adopted by the king too, or is it just Luna Cass?"

I glanced at her from the corner of my eye, and she smiled. "It's complicated," I said, looking forward while I lead the way to the kitchen because that would be the easiest way to get outside. "Cass is my guardian, yes. I call the late King Sebastian, Uncle Sebastian, and have been calling him that for years."

"Have you known them, the royal family, for long?" Ginny asked, and I nodded. She furrowed her brows and cocked her head. "Since..?"

"Since I was born," I replied. I shrugged and stuffed my hands into my pockets. "The earliest memory that I have of that family is when my aunt decided to do The Lion King thing to my sister, and I was mad because she didn't do it to me when I was younger."

Ginny snorted. "How old were you?" she asked.

"Three, I think," I replied. I shrugged again. "Cass would be the best person to ask or one of the twins. They'd be able to tell you."

The door to my left opened; Julian walked halfway out, wearing nothing but a small towel wrapped around his waist. Childishly, he pouted and rubbed his eyes with his eyes closed. "I heard a mention of the twins," he said. "What can I do for you?" He yawned and stretched before he smacked his lips.

"Meet the Alpha and Beta of the pack we're helping," I replied, stopping to talk with my cousin. "Cass isn't out of the office. I know you wanted to do something to her."

Julian opened his eyes and stared at us in horror. "Shit," he said. He moved until only his head was seen, and he stared at the two females. "I apologize," he said. "My sister said that if she caught me in a small towel, she would take it and pull me out of the room while my mate locked the door behind me."

"And I told him that I would follow her instructions," another male said from inside the room. Bane poked his head around the door, too. "TJ, Jayden," he greeted. "How are you two doing?"

"Good now that I have met my lovely mate," Jayden said, standing behind Ginny. He didn't make a move to touch her, and I had a feeling that Ginny was relieved and upset.

Bane nodded and raised an eyebrow while he looked at me. "I am guessing you have as well?" He glanced at Seraphina before he looked back at me.

I nodded but didn't move towards her because I had a feeling that she wouldn't like that.

"Interesting..." Bane said. "And you are an Alpha, too. Correct?" He raised an eyebrow, and my mated nodded her head. "Interesting... do you know how far it goes?"

"No," my mate replied. She scowled and folded her arms across her chest before she looked at me. "Do you know how far it goes for you and your family?"

I bit back a scowl and ignored my wolf's growl. I had no idea what my cousin had planned for me, but I prayed that whatever it was would make it so that I did not hurt my mate. I knew that I would feel the curse against her tonight if she didn't quit.

"He does, actually," Julian said. "Unfortunately, his dad's records were destroyed in the massacre, so we don't know much past the tenth generation."

"What about his mom?"

"Alphas, Betas, Gammas, and Top Warriors, second to the Gammas," Julian replied. "His mom's side is known for producing very good fighters."

"What about good Alphas? Do they produce good Alphas or shitty ones?"

"Good," Julian replied. "Some of them are a little harder than others." 'Especially those that have one of the Ten in their blood.' He winked.

I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Come on, let's get going. I am sure that you want to see where your pack is staying for the time being."

"Actually, I want to see if you know anything that is happening with my pack lands." Seraphina folded her arms across her chest and scowled. "Do you?"

Julian raised an eyebrow and scowled. "That is not something that you have to worry about," he warned. "Even if I know something, I am not at liberty to tell you unless my sister and brother allows it."

"I didn't know your sister held a position higher above you. I thought she was adopted."

Both Julian and I growled in anger. He set his jaw and glared at my mate but didn't move from behind the door because of his mate. "She is royalty, even if she doesn't have a title," he warned. "She is also one of the top Alpha Betas, so it shouldn't be a surprise that she would know more than me."

"And because of who she is," Bane added. "There is a lot that you need to learn about this pack and the people that live here."

Seraphina opened her mouth to say something but wasn't able to because of Ginny.

"Of course, thank you," she said, and her Alpha scowled at her. She sent Seraphina a warning look before she smiled. "Come on; we should get going. I think that the Alpha does have training to do after he drops us off." She looked at me for confirmation, and I nodded because I did have to train with the pack on whatever.

"I do," I confirmed. "I have a couple of training sessions today, some that are lead by me as well as me training after them. Your pack is welcome to join us."

Seraphina didn't say a word. She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips in disgust, and I could tell that she wasn't pleased with the thought of training with us.

"We'll think about it," Ginny said. She bowed her head in respect. "Thank you, Alpha."

I was pleased when she called me Alpha, but it felt weird. All my life, I had heard people call me by my name and not by my title. It didn't help that I didn't feel as if I deserve the title, for I was not an Alpha, not yet at least. "Call me TJ," I said. "Don't call me Alpha."

"Ya, he isn't an Alpha yet," Julian said. He looked at me and smiled with his eyes filled with pain. "But, you are still an Alpha. Your father would have been pleased with the progress you have made."

Pride filled my body when he said that, and my heart clenched. I had no idea if he would be pleased with me, pleased with the struggles I faced because I hadn't told my cousin what was happening to me.

Julian's smile grew bigger. "You should get going," he said. "You don't want to keep Cass waiting." He winked. "She might decide to prank you instead of teaching you anything."

I rolled my eyes because I knew that it was true. "I will see you guys later then." I nodded my head before I walked away with the others following me.

"Tell Cass that we don't need any more babies from her and Xavier. We have enough mischief with just her," Julian called. He yelped when Bane smacked the back of his head and started to laugh while they closed the door.

I rolled my eyes but smiled because what he had said was true. However, both of us knew that Cass would become pregnant again if given a chance.

I just hoped she wouldn't become pregnant while she helped me gain control of my wolf and being claimed by Shilan. I didn't want to kill it accidentally.

I knew that or hurting my mate would be the last straw. I didn't know what I would do then...

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