Chapter 2

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An hour later, I knocked on my cousin's mate's door and opened it when I was told to 'enter.' I stepped in and was first met with a sweet smell that I couldn't place but sent my wolf anxiously growling and trying to push through.

The second thing I noticed was the number of people that were gathered in the room. Cass and Xavier were on one couch; Xavier's eyes were trained on someone else while Cass met my gaze and smiled that forced smile that I knew so well.

Joel and Parker were sitting on another couch with my Beta, Joel's brother, Jayden, standing behind them with his eyes trained on one of the people there that I couldn't see from my position.

"Come over here and greet our guests, TJ," my cousin said, calmly. She gestured to her side, where there was space for someone else to sit.

I didn't reply and made my way to her side. I nodded my head in greeting when Xavier tore his gaze off the person he was staring at. "Xavier," I said, earning a gasp from someone.

"TJ," he replied. He gestured to the people in front of him. "Meet Alpha Seraphina and Beta Ginny. They will be staying with us for the time being while we get some land situated for them."

I turned my gaze to the two of them, and my eyes widened in shock when I saw a female with black hair and dark brown staring at me with pursed lips. "Mate," I said. The urge to walk over to her was strong, but I held back and sat at my cousin's side instead.

The female sighed and sulked back into her seat. She folded her arms across her chest and scowled. "Mate."

"Interesting," Cass mused, and I had to tear my gaze from my mate and look at her. Her eyes held this look in them while she glanced between her and me before she nodded her head.

'What?' I asked, linking her. I narrowed my eyes when her lips flickered up into a smirk.

'Nothing,' she chirped, and I scowled because I knew that she was lying. She caught something in the way that Seraphina acted when she found out that I was her mate.

I looked at my mate and held back a frown when I saw that she was glaring at me as if I was something not worthwhile. "It's nice to meet you, Alpha," I said, nodding my head in respect, and she rolled her eyes. I looked at my mate's Beta. "You too."

The Beta, Ginny, smiled and nodded her head. "It's nice to meet you," the redhead said. She cocked her head, her blue eyes shining with compassion, and I could detect a small bit of fear in them. "Are you an Alpha too?"

"Sort of," I replied. I shifted in my seat and glanced at my cousin, who watched the whole thing with knowledgeable eyes before I looked at the Beta female. "I'm still in a... "training phase" for my cousin until I am allowed to take over the pack we came from."

"And why are you in a training phase? I thought Alpha Males took what they wanted and didn't care about others," my mate said, and Xavier growled softly at her. She merely glanced at my cousin's mate dismissively before she turned her gaze back to me.

"Not all Alphas are like that, Seraphina," my cousin scolded, earning a flinch from the other female. "Your pack land was taken control by a different Alpha, who had tried to force you into mateship, even though you are the Alpha Female of that land. The king is aware and is looking into it as we speak. My cousin has not taken any land from anyone, and the land that we own is his after the Triad Pack is formed again."

Seraphina folded her arms across her chest and scowled. "But your mate had taken the land of others and grew his pack larger than he should have. H-"

"I had taken over packs that had an Alpha as a tyrant," Xavier said with a growl. He set his jaw and stared at her. "I might not have been a good Alpha before having my mate in my life, but I made sure that they were protected."

"But didn't you kill y-"

"That is in the past," Cass said, interrupting her. "It was your cousin's fault for having attacked and making him so weak even after what his father had done to him." She set her jaw and dared the other female to say something, but she didn't and just looked down with her jaw set.

I stayed silent and looked between the two of them. I could feel the tension in the air, and it set me on edge. I had no idea what the full story was with Xavier and first mate, but from what I could tell, it had been so bad that my uncle had to step in as well as the Guardsmen.

My cousin sighed and relaxed. "There is still much you don't know about the relationship he had with her," she said softly. "And until then, do not judge my mate or the actions that had led to her death. Understood?"

Seraphina set her jaw and didn't reply.

"Do you know what happened, Luna?" Ginny asked, looking at my cousin curiously. Her cheeks went red as all eyes fell on her. "If I may ask."

Cass smiled and nodded. "I am a Guardsman after all," she replied. "And adopted into the Harris family, so of course, I know what had happened."

Ginny smiled and nodded. She seemed happy with that answer, but I could tell that Seraphina didn't like it when she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Cass glanced at Seraphina but didn't comment. However, her eyes flashed gold, and that was the only thing that told me she was annoyed. She cleared her throat and stood, and we stood with her. "TJ and Jayden will show you to the house where your pack members are staying for the time being. You are welcomed into this packhouse if you need anything, and we shall help."

"What ab-"

"I will contact my brother and see what the status is with your pack ground," she said, interrupting my mate. "It is still too early to tell what is happening, and we won't know until the other Alpha Beta's have completed the search."

'Or if you get too bored or go there yourself,' I teased, earning a smirk and a wink from the female.

Seraphina frowned but nodded. "Yes, Luna," she said forlornly. She turned towards me and smiled, but I could tell that it was fake. "Lead the way."

I held back an eye roll and nodded before I started to lead the way to the packhouse she would be staying at, receiving a mental image of where they would be placed from my cousin. I set hands into pockets and walked away with my body tense.

I hated her behavior and the way she looked at my cousin and me in disgust. I hated the way she treated us when she didn't know anything about us.

Goddess, please let her change her behavior before I feel the curse, please, I silently prayed, lowering my head. Please. I don't want her to get hurt.

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