A Private Relationship

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River POV

I sat in patience, waiting for Kelly's answer. She don't have to hide anything because she can be herself around me. I think I just figured out she probably likes girls too. She took a deep breath. "The reason why...I never talk much about my parents is because I have a different sexuality. I like girls the way- I cut her off. "I know. All it took was a make-out session." I said. She slightly chuckled. "They always pictured me as this picture-perfect girls who are smart and well rounded. Well, I'm not perfect. I'm not like those girls where everything works out for. I wanna be just...Kelly. Be myself and won't have to mascaraed as cute smart girls with good grades." She continued. All she said blew my mind. I didn't know she had to deal with that. I would hate if I was pressured to be The Perfectionist. I rubbed her hand softly. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this. You're much better than being a perfectionist, Kells. You're bright, funny, kind and beautiful. We admitted we like each other but the problem is...if we do this, we need to be all in." I said. If we're gonna be a couple, we have to be all in. It is a commitment. She smiled. "River, I really like you. I wanna be all in for this relationship. We can be together secretly." She said. I was confused. "Secretly? You mean your parents have no idea you're- I stopped seeing the sad look on her face. I looked at her in awe. I wrapped my arm around her neck. I smiled. "This will be fun! Right babe?" I said, whispering the last part. She giggled and laid her head on my shoulder. We parted and I looked at her. "Kelly Kapowski...will you go on a date with me?" I asked. She cheered and hugged me. "Yes, River!" She said. I smiled widely and hugged back. My head was screaming with excitement because I have the most gorgeous and sweet girl as my date. I got up and playfully spun her around. She laughed. "I'm so excited!" I said.
Her giggle and smile made my heart melt. We parted. "Our date's my house after school." I told her. She smirked. "Depends if we get our work done early." She said. I nodded. "I'm thinking at 3. My mom won't be here and Raelynn's got dance class tomorrow." I said. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I chuckled and held them. "Can't wait." She mumbled. I smiled. "Me too." I said. My phone buzzed. I saw a text from my mom. The door knocked. We looked at each other and she took her arms off me. It opened, revealing Mrs. Kapowski. She smiled. "Hey! River, if that's fine with you, you can spend the night." She said. My eyes widened. "Really?" I said. She nodded. Kelly instantly cheered and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged back. "Thanks mom." She said. "You're welcome!" She said, closing the door. I looked at her while hugging. "Maybe this could be our date." I whispered, smirking. She smirked lustfully. I texted my mom to let her know. She handed me two pillows and a blanket for the night. I never spent the night at a girl's house, except CJ's but it's never been the person I liked.


Kelly POV

River was spending the night so I'm happy! We planned to have our date here, even though my parents are home. The door is closed meaning we'll have privacy and do whatever. I handed her two pillows because she can't sleep with one and a blanket. We were gonna share my bed together. It's not what you'll think it is, we're just getting started on our date. She ran to open the window and picked something from the bush. I looked confused. "What are you doing?" I asked. She smiled, showing a rose in front of me. "I thought you may like this." She said. I looked at her in awe and took the flower. "Awww, thank you." I said. We shared a kiss. She sat on my bed and grabbed the remote. "Do you mind?" She asked. I scoffed. "No! Of course not." I said. She chuckled and turned on Andi Mack. What? I love Andi Mack! "You like watching Andi Mack?" I asked, sounding shocked. She shrugged. "It's actually good." She said. I smiled and sat beside her. She smirked and wrapped her arms around my waist. My cheeks burned red as I giggled. We kissed passionately. We parted and madly blushed. We watched the episode where Jonah and Andi kiss. Well, Andi kiss Jonah. I smiled and looked at River. She was lost in watching the show. She flunked herself on my pillows. I smirked and did the same. I laid my head on her shoulder. She smiled and caressed my hair. We stayed like this for a while.

An hour later, we got hungry and mom cooked macaroni and cheese. We ate while watching Bee Movie. We laughed at some parts and I awed at Barry's romantic dream of Vanessa...till it's bad ending. The whole time River's arm was wrapped around my waist. My hand intertwined with her free hand. "Hey, sweet?" I asked. "Yeah." She whispered. "Have you ever told me much about your dad?" I asked. River never talk much about her father. Just the fact he left. She took a deep breath. "I never told you this but CJ so...before I came along, he had another daughter with another woman. Her name is Meadow. I've looked her up many times and there's pictures of her with him. One day, mom got in contact with our family on his side to ask about his whereabouts. My grandma told her he's at home with Meadow. Finding out they're living together made my heart break. Especially Raelynn's. It felt like I didn't matter nor was I wanted. Some people would think that's like being a brat but we wanted a father too." She explained. Tears were threatening to escape her eyes. I sighed sadly and hugged her. She hugged back. River deserves all the love right now. It's sad not everyone grew up with a dad. We parted. "Did you ever tell him you're- I stopped in hopes she'll know what I meant. She nodded her head no. "No. I didn't. Guess we could be a secret couple around him and my family." She said. I nodded. "Just happy to know you wouldn't hurt my heart." She whispered. My cheeks burned red. I smiled. "You too." I whispered. We kissed passionately. We continued cuddling till we drifted off to sleep.

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