"I was Enchanted..."

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Everyone got the message that Lily's alright. CJ was chatting with James, Albus, Rose and Hugo in the waiting room. Including Teddy. I got to meet him and Dom's sister Victoire. Basically anyone who came to visit Lily. The happy news is their parents handled gargoyle and sent her to Azkaban. It's real freaking bad there. Hope she finds a cellmate to keep her cold ass warm. Everyone practically thanked me for saving Lily and it's sweet but all I wanted to do was wrap my head around that I got powers and see how she's doing. It's weird I'm suddenly worried about her when clearly, she been through crap. My brain clicked, remembering the other thing we discussed last time. What almost happened at the Astronomy Tower. The feeling of my hand intertwined with her soft one. The familiar scents flowing through my nose and her red free locks waving anywhere. That image of her laying on the ground couldn't leave my brain. I'd hit gargoyle with a tsunami if I founded them in time. Jeez, she must feel terrible after a long week. I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was standing beside her room door. She was laid in bed with blankets wrapped, an IV attached to her arm, her nose and right arm was stitched, her long red hair loosened freely. Nonetheless she was still natural perfection. Lily smiled sadly. "Hey." She spoke softly. I inhaled a deep breath but smiled a little. "Hey." I said. She shifted herself on the bed and smirked. "Why don't you sit? I won't bite." She joked but in a serious tone. A snicker escaped my mouth. "You? Don't bite? Where am I?" I asked sarcastically. Lily playfully rolled her eyes. I sat on the nearby chair beside her bed. "How are you feeling?" I asked. She sighed. "Physically good I guess." She told me. Uh oh, gotta bring out my sweet side but also explain everything. I cleared my throat while crossing my arms. "Lily, there's something you need to know- she cut me off. "Don't bother. I already know what happened." She said. I raised an eyebrow weirdly. "You do? How?" I asked. She nodded and smiled shyly. "Well, James told me you saved me from Rochelle. That you were practically hitting her with an ocean. I got really confused cause how can you hit her with water? It didn't make sense. I thought you were probably hexing her or something." She explained. I smiled excitingly and scooted the chair a bit closer. "Watch this." I told her.

Her jaw dropped in shock

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Her jaw dropped in shock. I smiled widely while moving the water sphere that I sucked from her cup. "Blimey! That is bloody cool! Wow!" She beamed. I carefully brought the water back inside the cup and smiled. "It's apparently my powers." I said. She smiled. "It's so great! You're a real wandless magical person. Like Teddy. Everyone would be jealous! Even James." She squealed. I laughed but leaned back on the chair. "Thanks. I created some tsunami that sent Rochelle flying. Better be lucky she didn't get a concussion." I said. We laughed. She giggled uncontrollably. "I hated I was unconscious before I could see it! Wish it got on video!" She giggled. I snickered. "Ceej would've done it if she weren't speechless." I joked. We chuckled and took deep breaths. Unfortunately, need to get back on track. I huffed. "Lily, don't know if you heard or if Roxanne told you but someone told Rochelle about your secret. I know this because she confessed it was a family friend you knew so well. Someone who's also in Slytherin house..." I trailed off. She looked at me curiously. "What are you trying to say? Who knew?" She asked. I almost spoke till tears were threatening to escape her eyes. "Was it Lysander? Albus?" She muttered. Aww, poor thing. My hand intertwined with hers softly. "Hey, hey no. It wasn't them at all. It was his twin I'd like to kick in the nuts." I admitted. Her eyes slowly widened as she breathed shakily. That can't be good. People usually do that if they're having panic attacks. I rubbed circles around her hand and motioned her to take deep breaths. "Breathe. It's ok. Breathe. Relax." I said in a soothing voice. Tears kept threatening to escape while she took a few breaths. After two minutes, she managed to breathe normally. I was mentally blown away by her nice scent. Has she always smelled this fresh? Damn. My cheeks got heated real quick. Lily inhaled one more breath and looked down. "Lorcan. Lorcan did it." She whispered. I squeezed her hand softly. "Don't blame yourself. He probably did it so he can be popular or help Rochelle. It's not your fault." I assured. She looked up with a tear falling instantly. "I'm pretty stupid for believing he was Lysander. Not to mention he betrayed me. I fucking hate him. I hate this so much." She cried angrily. Without hesitation, I hugged her. She surprisingly hugged back. My nose inhaled the refreshing scent through her gown. No freaking doubt it smelt like home in the springtime. Everything natural including nature's beauty. "He's a low-life ass. Don't waste your tears ok? He's the stupid one for betraying your friendship and trust. You shouldn't feel guilty for what he done. That crazy bitch was willing to even kill you to satisfy herself. Besides she's in Azkaban so you won't be seeing her anymore. And don't even listen to anything she said, you are so beautiful than you think." I said. We parted. She wiped her eyes and chuckled dryly. "Are you just saying that cause I'm a Potter?" She asked in a doubtful tone. I nodded my head no and fiddled with her fingers. "I'm being truthful. Not funny. Really Lily, anytime I see you...you get more beautiful, and you don't even try at all. All I've seen is practically real beauty. There's too many girls in Cali who wear too makeup or wear their hair stylishly. Then I see you and it's way different. You are just a carefree spirit. Damn, it gets hard to talk because your eyes are...shiny. I don't know why you're so hard on yourself but Rochelle is nothing compared to you." I said proudly. The whole time she smiled rather warmly and chuckled. "River, can I please wear your jacket? And your shirt?" She asked. I looked at her annoyedly. "Since you're in emotional pain, I'll let it slide." I said. Lily snickered but smiled. "Wearing them makes me think of you." She told me. My life flashed before my eyes. Excuse me? The whole time she wore my jacket is because she thinks of me? Shocker. "You think of me?" I asked. She smirked and squeezed my hand. "Let's just say I was...enchanted." She said, whispering the last part. My heart was beating rapidly and clearly trembling from my knees. Though I'd never admit to CJ or anyone else, I was deeply enchanted by Lily Luna Potter. Everything about her from head to toe was pulling me like a rope in my insides. Sometimes we'd argue back and forth but it always made me feel different. What if I liked it? The urge I was fighting right now to lock my lips with hers was crazy. We made eye contact and leaned a bit closer. "River." She whispered. "Lily." I whispered. I mentally thanked myself for bringing the chair closer. We leaned closer till..."Hey guys!" Hugo said. We quickly parted. "Yeah Hugo?" She asked. He smiled. "You're officially being sent back to Hogwarts. You're discharged from the hospital but you must rest for two days." He told her. I fake smiled. "Leave before you'll see more than her neck." I said through gritted teeth. He rushed out of fear. Lily gasped, giggling. "Why'd you say that?" She asked. I hummed in response and closed the door. She nodded her head no and smiled innocently. Ugh! "Be lucky you have my jacket permission." I joked. "Very." She teased.

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