Lit Breakout Role

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No one's POV
Nia was busy doing work on her laptop and making calls from the workplace. She offered to be the house Mom while Paul is the outside Dad with a movie career. She smiled, knowing River is so much like him. Since arriving to Keaton she has done amazing things like singing for Disney, dancing in Sia's The Greatest music video and now she auditioned to be the next Annie in the new Annie movie. River was never nervous waiting to be either accepted or rejected. On the other hand, Nia was very much nervous. She hoped she'll get this role of a lifetime because it's a real movie with real actors, actresses and it'll be in theaters. She sipped her coffee while sighing towards a few clients of her own emailing paperwork. Thankfully, the rest of her children was in school and River was upstairs doing homework. A peaceful time until...BUZZ. BUZZ. BUZZ. She noticed her phone was buzzing and picked it up. She inhaled a deep breath. "Hello." She answered. "Hi, am I talking to River Walker? I'm the casting director of the Annie movie." He asked.
At this moment, she could burst into flames. Nia cleared her throat. "This is her mother." She told him. "Well, I'm happy to say congratulations. She got the part to play Annie!" He beamed. Fireworks immediately exploded inside her head. Nia smiled widely. "Oh thank you! That's amazing! I'll let her know!" She said. He chuckled. "Great, mind if I email you the times and days she is needed at the set?" He asked. "Uh huh." She quickly said. "Thank you. Have a good day." He said. She mentally cheered and smiled before giving him her number. "Thank you! Have a good day." He said, hanging up. Nia inhaled a deep breath. "River! River!" She called.

River POV
I was almost finished the last bit of homework until Mom's voice was heard. "River! River!" echoed throughout the house. I saved my presentation PowerPoint in my biology file folder and walked downstairs to the living room. "What's up?" I asked. She smiled happily. "The casting director called back! You got the part to be Annie!" She told me. The whole world immediately halted before myself. I am to be the next Annie? Working with Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx? I cheered, running back and forth. "Whoo hoo! Yes! Yeah!" I cheered happily. She chuckled. "I'm so proud of you!" She squealed. We hugged. "Man, I wonder what this Annie movie will be like. I've always wanted to work with actors like Cameron Diaz or Jamie Foxx. Dang, I can't describe it." I ranted. She rubbed my hair and kissed my forehead. "You earned it baby. This role you are born to play. You like to cause mischief like Annie, your hair is curly like her, you can sing and dance." She said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Thanks Mother." I muttered. She laughed. "He also discussed you'll have to be in New York to film the movie." She added. Me? Flying to New York?Somebody give me a hug because I might cry like those folks on American Idol. I sighed happily. "How long?" I asked. She hummed in response. "Four months." She told me. Four months in NYC? A little long from everyone including Kelly? Well it is the price of fame. Working hard is essential. "Don't worry, hon. You can FaceTime all your friends, Kelly, your siblings whenever you have breaks and we'll see many cool sights of New York like Time Square, Fifth Avenue, anything you want." She assured. I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. "Yeah. Sure mom..." I trailed off. My brain clicked. Wait! Four months will go by quicker but we're homeschooled which means CJ or two of my friends could come! I smiled widely. "Mom, you know CJ and I are homeschooled right?" I asked. Mom nodded. "Yes?" She said. I crossed my arms while smirking. "So she can come with me! It'll be fine! You're going anyway because I need a chaperone. You can chaperone us and make sure we do homework. We'll see loads of New York like you said. Cmon, would it hurt?" I said. She was silent for a minute before speaking. "Ok. Maybe. I'll talk to her parents first but four months is a while. This could be an amazing adventure I know but remember hard work is hard work. Alright, go pack. We leave on Friday." She said, smiling. I cheered excitingly before racing upstairs to my room. I'm going to NYC!


"We're going to NYC! We're going to NYC!" Me and CJ cheered while dancing crazily. I've visited her today and told her about coming to NY with me because of filming Annie. Mom talked to her parents and they accepted. CJ smiled. "Can you believe it Riv? Us walking on the streets of NY? Going to the best restaurants and malls? A real adventure!" She beamed. I nodded in agreement. "Yup. We need to pack soon as possible. We leave on Friday morning at 7am. They scheduled our flight." I said. She put a thumbs up. "Alright. The question is how are you gonna tell Kelly?" She asked. That I don't know exactly. I almost spoke until someone banged three times on CJ's bedroom window. It was Kelly. She growled madly. "Open the window!" She yelled. Our eyes widened. CJ opened the window, letting herself fall on her bed. She got up and growled. "River Walker! You won the role to be Annie! I'm proud of you but you didn't tell me you'll be in New York for four months! CJ told everyone on groupchat and you didn't answer! I'm assuming you don't know what to say because I already finished for you!" She ranted. Damn. This is why I didn't know what to say. I inhaled a deep breath. "Chill baby. Chill. I'm sorry. At least you know now. We'll make time for each other while I'm away. FaceTime, nighttime calls, or Skyping. Four months will go by sooner. This is a huge deal to me. I love you and I'll still love you from a thousand miles." I assured. Kelly sighed sadly. "I hope there's no NYC girls that'll catch your attention there." She muttered. I scoffed, kissing her forehead. "You're cute when you're jealous." I joked. She playfully smacked my arm. "Who's jealous?" She sassed. CJ cleared her throat loudly. "Sorry to interrupt but I'd like some help packing my things for NY." She said. We chuckled and offered to help pack three bags.

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