4 Months Later

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Whoo! It has been a long ride. Reading scripts, doing scenes, lots of fun in the Plaza, sight-seeing New York with CJ. I can't pick except making the soundtrack album with Jamie Foxx and the cast. Everything was such a wild adventure. I loved it! But I do miss everyone back in Cali. FaceTime, Skyping and calling is what I done with Kelly. CJ did the same with her parents and our friends. Today is our last day in New York after we finished up the last scene. We are having a hard damn time thinking of how to celebrate. In our hotel living room, CJ was watching TV while I fiddled with my fingers on the couch. Mom was on the phone with Dad or work in her room. "This. Is. Boring." CJ blurted. I playfully rolled my eyes. "You're being a little too specific." I said. She scoffed. "What do you suggest we do?" She asked. I hummed in response and crossed my arms on my stomach. "We've done many sight-seeing these past months. Maybe we could enjoy our last day in this Plaza. Never know when we'd come back someday." I said. She smirked. "You'd probably would for another movie. As sweet as you are, would take me with you." She said. I smiled innocently. "Debatable." I said. CJ stuck her tongue at me. "Say, how about we visit the best NYC mall around here?" She asked. Hm. A mall? Kelly will be freaking upset if I been to a NY mall without her. There's always Cali malls. I smiled widely and hopped off the couch. She did the same. "Lit idea! We could get new shoes, shirts or better jewelry cause mine is too baby-ish." I said. We laughed before going to Mom's room door. I leaned against it to hear chattering. "Ok. Bye!" She said and hung up. I leaned back and knocked. "Come in!" She said. CJ opened it widely. I smiled. "Hey Mom. We were thinking of celebrating our last day in NY by going to the mall." I told her. She stretched while yawning. "Oh baby. I'm all worn out today. You got everything you need before summer and after. It be better if you two just enjoy being in the Plaza one last time. How about you order room service and binge-watch your favorite stuff?" She said. I sighed. "Mom, it's the least thing we could- I stopped when my brain clicked. Whoa whoa! CJ looked at me weirdly. "What is it? I seriously get curious over your big ideas." She said. I laughed. "It might not be a bad idea. But we'll need to make a pit stop somewhere." I said. "Like where?" Mom asked. I whispered in CJ's ear. She smiled brightly. "Just the grocery store to pick up ingredients." She told her. Mom chuckled. "What are you two up to?" She asked. "You'll see." I said, smirking.

After visiting the grocery store, we picked up a few ingredients because we're making S'mores! To add to our Plaza fun, we'll have s'mores, soda drinks and watching Home Alone. Not to mention myself sending cute Snaps to Kelly. We returned to our suite and raced to the kitchen holding the bags. Mom cleared her throat. We turned to her. "Do you both know how to make s'mores?" She asked. We looked at each other then back at her. "Nope." We said sheepishly. She smiled. "Let me show ya then!" She said, leading us to the kitchen. Mom demonstrated carefully on melting chocolate and marshmallows on the stove. I was getting the hang of it but CJ? Jeez. We had to smack small fires with our hotel towels but nothing was burnt. Overall, our s'mores were well baked. We sat on the couch while Mom was taking a nap in her room. Home Alone began playing on the TV. "Its so crazy in the second movie Kevin actually came here. Wow!" CJ beamed. I laughed. "I know right! This is heaven!" I said. We chuckled once the family scene popped up. The whole time we laughed, clutching our stomachs and finishing our drinks. My phone buzzed on the end table. A notification on my DMs. Weird, I don't usually get notifications from my DM page. I checked and it was a video from Raelynn. "What's up Ri?" CJ asked. I stared at it confusedly. "Raelynn sent me a video on my DM. I don't know why." I said. She paused the movie and looked at my screen. "Check it out! Let's see it!" She said. Last time she sent me a text about the news discovering we're Paul's daughters. Just hope it isn't anything worth our family panicking.

Raelynn🤪👯‍♀️: This happened last Friday.😡🥺

I opened the link and it shown Raelynn filming from her phone. She must be at the cafe with her friends cause I heard their voices. It shown Kelly in her waitress uniform because she was working to help with her brother's house issues. She turned the camera to where she was speaking to a dude who wore a tie but looked twenty-one. CJ gasped. "I've seen that guy! He owns that cafe!" She whispered. I shrugged. "That's her boss. So what?" I said. We watched them talk until they suddenly leaned closer and kissed. My jaw dropped. CJ covered her mouth in shock. Instantly, my heart snapped in two. Tears never fell because I'm not really sentimental like most people. If I'm triggered, I'm an angry-ass person. "What a cheater!" "River's gonna flip!" "A freaking two-timer!" I heard them say. They stopped kissing and went on about their day. It was Raelynn's cue to end the video. Silence was still present at the moment. CJ sighed sadly. "River...River...I'm so- I cut her off by opening my gallery and angrily deleting all our pictures, unfollowing Kelly on Instagram and Snap, taking her picture off my screen. "River, River just calm down. Ok? Take deep breath." She assured. I growled. "I already took a deep breath and embraced myself for the worst shit." I growled through gritted teeth. She didn't bother hugging or padding me because she knows if I'm angry, it's not gonna be all soft and fluffy. I hopped off the couch angrily. "Four months! Four fucking months! All I think about is being in her arms and now this bitch rather be fluffier with a fuck boy?! No, I'm better than that CJ. Better. I'm done. I've always known she'd be just like those girls. Perky, whore-ish, flapping bitches who only cares about being pretty and nasty- CJ kept trying to cut me off. "River! River!" She called. "You can knick an actor's daughter and your work boss? I mean, I could've found a hot New York girl and would've got caught trying her lips- she cut me off. "River! Hey! Hey! Hey!" She said firmly. I huffed, rubbing my hair. "You gotta calm down before your Mom wakes up and scream." She told me. Hate when it happens but she's right. I inhaled a deep breath. "Alright. Alright. Fine. Whatever." I said calmly. She nodded. "Forget her River. You don't need her. You are much better without her. Let's enjoy our last day here without any worries." She said. Tears were finally threatening to escape. "A liar and whore." I muttered. CJ wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "It's ok. I'm here. Cmon, let's watch Home Alone." She said. I slowly nodded as she unpaused the movie. After two minutes, I found myself laughing and clutching my stomach again. She's right. All I've got going on, I don't need Kelly at all.

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