Part 2

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I woke up the next day bright and early, slipping on some grey cardigan leggings and a cream jumper. I headed out down stairs to the kitchen so I could get something in my belly before I went to school. Whipping up a breakfast sandwich and coffee I slipped on my brown boots, grabbing my bag I headed out. The walk to school wasn't too far away but I didn't have a car yet and I didn't want Gwen to have to come and pick me up. Ten minutes later I walked up the front steps of the school, immediately spotting Gwen. With a big smile on my face I walked over to her.

"Why don't you let me pick you up", she pouted.

"You know I don't want you to have to go out of your way", I explained.

"I promise it won't be a bother", she begged.

"I'm good plus I get my daily exercise", I shrugged opening my locker.

Just then the familiar cologne I was used to smelling hit my nose, I turned just in time to see Harry walk by. He sent me a wink as he passed Gwen and I with his friends, heading to his locker I guess. Taking a quick glance as I shut my locker I saw him leaning against his locker talking to a few boys that were on the football team as well. That's when Amber walked up to the group, Amber was the girl that every guy wanted. She usually got them but when they refused her is when things got ugly. Nerves bubbled into my stomach when I saw her put her hand on his shoulder. However a smug grin overtook my face when I saw him remove it and ignore her.

"Weird", Gwen breathed next to me.

"What", I said a little too quickly.

"Nobody turns down Amber", she shook her head.

"Maybe he has standards", I said.

"Maybe he's gay", she blurted.

"He's not gay", I laughed about loud.

"How do you know", she asked me.

"I have a feeling but maybe you should ask him".

I was walking to the bathroom but mostly wanting to get out of calculus, my. Mother made me take it thinking it would help me with college. I hated it and took every chance I could to get out of there for a bit, the teacher was cool so I never worried. I passed through the empty halls, thanking my lucky stars that everyone was in class. I didn't want to run into anyone, I wasn't very liked at his school and I didn't care. Harry had told me all the time if I wanted to let the school know about us to help me out but I refused. A smile made its way to my face when I thought of the day Harry and I met, he needed a tutor for math. He was sweet and nice, not at all what I thought he'd be, from then on we dated and just nearly eight months ago he asked me to be his girlfriend. I liked it that way. I passed several empty classrooms and could see the bathroom when I was pulled into an empty classroom.

"Harry you scared me", I gasped hitting his chest.

"Sorry baby, I just had to see you", he wrapped his hands around my waist and brought me close.

"Mhhh, we could get caught", I rubbed his chest.

"Right now I don't care, now give me a kiss", he leaned in and sealed our lips together.

He tightened his grip, while I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. He moaned in my mouth, slipping his tongue into my mouth as his hands traveled south and grabbed my ass.

"God I want you here", he started to kiss my neck.

"Come over tonight then, my parents won't be home", I scrapped my nails on his scalp.

"I can't tonight, sorry. The guys want me to come over for a small thing", he pouted.

"That's ok, have fun and be careful", I smiled pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"Don't worry love, I wouldn't do that to you", he got where I was coming from, I always had a insecurity of him cheating on me.

"I trust you".

Harry Long Imagine {Completed}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt