Part 9

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Your POV

"Steady", I mumbled out to Gwen as we stood at our lab for Advanced Chemistry class.

Gwen and I were conducting our lab for the class, me staying at eye level with the graduated cylinder to make sure our measurements were accurate. I scoffed when my eyes flickered to Amber as she leant down getting the nerd to do her lab for her. Her low cut top and her overly affectionate self, I was truly glad that Harry over looked her no matter how many times they hung out in the same group.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A couple of frigid prudes with their nose buried in their books", Amber smirked slamming her hand on our table startling us.

"Funny you're calling Y/n frigid when she's banging Harry, the man you want but he doesn't want you", Gwen smirked at her.

"He doesn't want you, he only is with you out of pity", she snarled.

"Funny, cause he's been with me for nearly a year. That's a lot of pity", I shrugged only paying attention to our lab.

"That's not what I heard, he talks when you're not around. He's told us how he feels bad for you, how you suck in bed. The usual", Amber leant down on our table pretending to look at her nails.

"That's not what he says every time I roll off of him at night", I turn my back to her and walk to the cabinet to get another ingredient we need.

I could see Gwen stifling a laugh while Amber looks like she's turning a bright shade of red standing next to her. I didn't care though, I had promised myself when Harry and I came out as a couple I would never stoop to her level. However, it was damn hard to not put her in her place she talked about our relationship like she knew us. She didn't know a damn thing, if Harry talked so much shit about me to his friends then when I met them this morning they wouldn't have been so nice to me. Grabbing whatever unneeded I headed back to our lab table ready to get this period over with.

"The she devil left, that's a miracle", I rolled my eyes when I reached Gwen.

"That was damn funny what you told her. I wish I had a camera so you could see he look on her face", she covered her mouth yet again to stifle her giggle.

"Let's just get this done so we can leave this hell, I don't even know how she got in here because she's dumb as a bag of rocks", I sassed as I began to measure out other ingredients.

"Heard she had her parents pay big money to get her in here cause she needs it for college. Her grades are bad and this was her last hope to graduate", Gwen whispered.

"Don't care, let's just get an A on this ok", I smiled over to her.

"Let's do it", she smirked back.

Thank god lunch was after this.

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