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"It's obvious that you're Dying" Fences, Paramore

You know what? I don't care where the fuck Gerard went(z). I want Mikey.

I slowly walked up the hallway to Mikey's room. I knocked on the bedroom door and heard a muffled "come in". As i entered, i saw mikey laying calmly on his bed, looking up at the ceiling which had a bunch of stars stuck onto.

"I hope i'm not disturbing you, but i just wanted to talk to someone." I saw Mikey as a brother, but sometimes wanted to be more than that. Yeah, I liked Gerard, but Mikey was my best friend, and how could i not like him?

"You're not disturbing anything." Mikey said with a slight smile. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well.... I sorta, um, wanted to talk about Gerard.... Or at least my feelings for him." I said nervously. After i said it, i could've sworn i saw a bit of sadness wash over his face, and a bit of.... Jealousy in his eyes?

"yeah?" mikey said, signalling for me to continue.

"I think i like him a lot, mikey. I don't know what's happened to me. He literally called me about half an hour ago and was rude to me and i swear my heart broke a little when he was talking." I felt tears gloss over my eyes.
Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. I kept repeating it in my mind, but of course, a single tear had to roll down my cheek.

"Y/N? Are you okay, bubs?" That was enough to make me breakdown. Sobbing into Mikey's shirt as he hugged me tightly felt right. This felt right. Despite my liking towards Gerard, this hug with mikey felt amazing.

Then Mikeys door opened.  There stood Gerard, tears rolling down his cheeks. The sight was painful to see.

I immediately stood up and walked to gerard and hugged him like mikey was doing to me. "It's okay, hun. It's okay." i whispered into his ear, helping him calm down.

Mikey's POV
As Y/N let go of me, i saw her walking to Gerard and hold him in her embrace. Why does gerard always get the girls? it's not fair! I wish Y/N liked me instead of Gerard. This feels like torture. Seeing my best friend, my crush, holding onto my brother for dear life.

Why is it always me?

My eyes began to flood, but i had to be strong. i couldn't let Y/N or Gerard see me crying, although they both were. They'd pick on me for crying for no reason like the little sook i am.

Well i mean, i deserve it. I'm the biggest fucking sook out there. Of course Y/N likes Gerard better. He's practically perfect, far from what i am.

I'm a Mess.

quick A/N
so this chapter was a little longer than the others but still not too long. do you want the chapters to be longer than this from now on? because i'm cool with that. also 2 updates in one day!! i may go for 3 if i feel like it but i probably won't 🤷‍♀️
oh well

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