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539 21 21

Everest P.O.V

Once I made it to my house no one was home.

I let out I sigh of relief and went in.

I wouldn't say we were millionaires but we were definitely comfortable.

Even though they are my parents I still insist that once I get out of high school I pay for college myself.

I don't feel right using other people's money.

Our house is very Victorian to say the least.

It's to fancy for my taste but I don't mind my room.

The walls around my room are a light sky blue.

I have a simple queen sized bed with light blue sheets.

The floor is wood but I have a huge sky blue rug that covers it.

I have a curved window seal with a hammock chair hanging from it.

I have a whole wall covered with white bookshelves filled with books.

My bathroom and closet are on a be side along with the doors to my balcony.

Half of my balcony is full of art supplies.

I like to attempt drawing sunsets because my balcony faces the west.

It is also directly across from my neighbors.

Who ever did the architecture, well they were dumb.

I mean who creates to bedrooms right across from each other where you can literally hop onto one another's balcony.

I mean come on?

Has this person ever heard of privacy?

I opened my balcony doors because my room was warm and decided to look for some nicer clothes for dinner.

Once I was changed I laid across my bed.

I pulled out my phone and opened a couple snapchats from friends.

I had about seven million texts from a group chat.

I opened it an giggled.

My two best friends in the whole wide world were arguing about whether a hot dog was a sandwich.

The funniest part about it is there actually serious.

I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

My front door slammed open, and my breath hitched.

"Honey, you home?" my mom asked.

I let out a breathe of relief.

Thank the gods of chocolate that it wasn't Emmett.

I rolled of my bed and walked over to my mirror.

I was wearing a cute owl sweater and faded blue skinny jeans.

My naturally curly hair was pulled up in a simple ponytail.

My makeup was natural and cute.

I had cute black boot wedges and a simple bedazzled silver "E" necklace.

I ran my hands over my shirt before running down stairs.

"Momma, do you need any help with dinner?" I asked as I was walking into the kitchen.

She just turned around and smiled.

She was wearing a gray turtleneck sweater and dark blue jeans.

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