Sunshine Diner

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Everest's P.O.V.

Do you ever feel lost. Like the world around you just keeps changing and your stuck. Everything around you is different but your not.

Your still you.

Or are you?

Do you stay the same. Maybe just the thought of the world changing around you changes you.

I run my thin fingers through my thick red wavy hair, as I always do when I'm deep I thought.

I do it a lot.

Drift of into my head.

I think to much.

It gets to the point where my anxiety takes place of all the thoughts.

Telling me how certain things play off.

I try focusing my eyes.

Studying what's in front of me.

Trying not to drift off again.

The bell rings signaling time to pass the classes.

After that I have to be at work.

Work, just splendid.

I shake my head, hoping maybe it will rid the thoughts as I continue my travels down the crowded hallways.

Shoulder bumps into shoulder.

The occasional ass squeeze given by the schools perverted students.

I promise when I tell you are school is made up of a lot of perverted human beings.

Then I see it.

Room 147.

The only thing I look forward to.

The only good thing in my life.

As I walk into class I'm met with the smell of paint and crayons.

I small smile makes its way to my lips, which rarely happens, unless they're fake.

Lake view very own famous artist, Enred Alio.

Mr. Alio, as we call him.

Our art teacher.

Although Mr. Alio is gone today students still show up to class.

Well the ones actually interested in art.

Most kids take his class to say they took his class.

I take art because it helps me escape. It's the one place where I can express myself and not be criticized.

How often do you find a space like that?

I sigh, pulling up my hair into a ponytail with my scrunchy.

Once my hairs up I pull out my canvas and paint and continue on my art.

The canvas is of average size. The splotches of greens and yellows that make up half of the canvas precisely.

The other half filled with swirls of whites and grays. Once the splotches form together on one side you see beautiful Everest trees. If you look closer some marks make flowers well other small animals.

On the other side of the painting, is beautiful mountains. They stand tall and proud in defense. Some shades of blue and gray work together to give it a 3-D affect, creating Mount Everest.

You see the art project was to create something that defines you.

Our class being so small, because only so many kids make it to the higher art classes, we have more freedom.

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