Chapter 7: Homenum Revelio

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Hermione stirred awake and gazed out her dormitory window. The sun poured into her dorm like a river of golden champagne, it enlightened her bedsheets and made her feel warm. Unfortunately, being the first day of lessons starting, she wouldn't get to enjoy it. She kept thinking about Malfoy, and his motives for the upcoming year with that vanishing cabinet. He may be gone already for all she knew. However, Hermione doubted the prospect, given how his mother put so much effort in getting him ready for the new school year, getting him tailored at Madame Malkins' robe shop. However, it did not stop Hermione's curiosity to burn through her, it was like a constant fire growing in her heart and she didn't know how to water it down. Telling Ron and Harry about the vanishing cabinet would be a mistake, Hermione wanted nothing more than to keep them out of trouble, especially during the NEWTS year, that prepared 6th year students for their future. It was far too significant to involve them. Hermione herself should have dismissed Malfoy's case and focused on her NEWTS. But somehow, she had the feeling that this situation with Malfoy was exactly the type of real-life experience that Harry had taught them the previous year in their secret defence against the dark arts lessons.

It was 7:00 in the morning, and Hermione got dressed ready for the day ahead. The timetables were more than likely already available downstairs in the Gryffindor common room. Hermione rushed downstairs to see the common room filled with animated students gathering near the notice board. Hermione fought her way through the crowd and retrieved her timetable. She had Transfiguration first lesson at 9:00, and double Defence against the Dark Arts at 10:00, with the Slytherins. Hermione groaned. Then, at 12:00 was lunch, and at 13:00 was Charms and Ancient Runes. Then at 15:00, it was Arithmancy, which concluded her day. Hermione gazed at her jam-packed timetable, she had a few free periods at least, which took her back to her third year, where she had none at all. Hermione laughed at the memory. It was strange to be able to dismiss core subjects from before, and choose whatever she wished in her final two years at Hogwarts. Hermione had dropped a handful of subjects from the previous year including Muggle Studies and Herbology, but had decided Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts were required for her. Unfortunately, those significant subjects were almost always with the Slytherins, except Transfiguration (which Hermione also thought as a required subject) was with the Ravenclaws.

Hermione looked around for Ron and Harry, desperately hoping their timetables crossed with hers. Hermione knew that they had both dropped Potions, but was at least hoping that their Defence Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures crossed over. She could not spot them which probably meant they were still asleep. Hermione glanced at her watch; it was almost half past seven. Classes started at 9:00. Deciding she couldn't wait for Harry and Ron to wake up, she headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast. It was packed with its usual pleasantries, which pulled at Hermione's heartstrings knowing who prepared it. If it was ready by half seven, who knows what time the house elves were up preparing it? Hermione had almost given up on her SPEW campaign as no one seemed to care about it, not even the house elves, but her mindset on the matter still stood. If she were to ever revisit the cause again, it would be after she graduated from Hogwarts, she just couldn't find the time to pay it any attention during her NEWTs year. Hermione sat down at the Gryffindor table and helped herself to some toast. She glanced up to see Malfoy sat right across from her. Her stare lingered for a moment, watching him not touch the food laid out in front of him. He looked forlorn, a rare thing for Malfoy, as he was usually surrounded by his group of Slytherin friends. He seemed to be staring at the table but had a faraway look about him, as if he was too deep in his thoughts. Hermione wished she had a gold galleon to throw at him, but something told her Draco was not looking to sell his thoughts. Why was she so intrigued by him? She thought. It was as if she wanted to help him, even though he didn't deserve it. Suddenly, Draco's silvery grey eyes met Hermione's brown ones, and Hermione quickly looked away. Her heart was thundering, she picked up her water and took a swig to calm the tune of her heartbeat down. At that moment, Ron and Harry walked into the Hall and joined Hermione for breakfast. She tried to hide her red face.

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