Let's End This

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Plan walked to the classroom, Perth followed behind. Mean trying to escape Saint yelled out to Plan "Plan wait!" He didn't, he wanted to pretend he didn't hear anything, that he didn't feel anything.
"Plan, do you think they're a couple?" Perth asked.
"How should I know, I don't care anyways."
Mean removed Saint's arms from him. "Saint, why did you do that?"
"I just wanted a hug, what's the big deal?"
"Nothing obviously but the way you did it. Also what's with the "I miss you" part, we just saw each other yesterday."
"I just miss my friend, what's wrong with that? Why are you with that Plan guy anyways?"
"I'm with him because we are project partners. Look you're my friend, probably my only one but that doesn't give you the right to tell me who to hangout with."
"I'm sorry... I..."
"It's okay... what are you doing here anyways?"
"Perth and I have switch classes, so now we are in the same class as you two."
"Yeah, maybe Perth wanted to be with Plan, don't they make a great couple."
"Hmm... no!"
"Nothing, let's go in." Mean hurried to class. He wanted to talk to Plan about what they were talking about earlier.

"Pss, Plan, what did you want to say earlier?" But Plan ignore him, "Plan" again he tried to call out but again he was ignored.
"Alright class we got to new students with us, Saint and Perth. Now since it's 2 of you and everyone else grouped out, you 2 become partners."
"That sounds great professor, but how about we try something different. How about I group up with Mean and uh what's your name again? Plan right?" He pointed at Plan "yeah that's it, you can be with Perth. You guys are friends. Mean and I are really close so we can probably come up with something great, I know him better than anyone."
Mean stood up from him desk "I don't..."
"That's fine with me." Plan responded.
"What!?" Mean yelled out. "Why...?" He asked.
"Well maybe you want to be with together, with someone you care about. You know, since you two know each other better than anyone and all."
"No, I want to stay with you." Mean said with a serious look.
"You say that now, but later you'll regret it and want to leave me."
"I said I'll stay." Mean sat down, firm with his response. The whole class was quiet. Saint knew something was different about his friend, he knew Mean wasn't going to change his decision.
"Uhh..." the professor broke the silence, "Saint, I'm sure you and Mean will make a great collaboration but Mean and Plan are already partners and I'm not going to change them or any other group. You and Perth will be a group, okay?"
"I understand." He answer with a sad look cause he did understand, not about the groups but about his friend and his heart which was starting to get an owner.
"Plan we need to talk."
"Right, we haven't made much progress with our sketch."
"Not about this."
"Then what Mean? You and I don't have anything else to talk about."
"Yes we do, I want to talk about what you were going to say outside before Saint interrupted us and what just happened."
"I wasn't going to say anything important so forget it!"
"I won't forget it, don't you understand!?"
They both stood in silence. Plan wondered what Mean ment by that. Mean himself didn't understand what he was saying.
"Look Mean what I understand is that your friend or whatever you two are, he wanted to be your partner and you refused him."
"Saint is just a friend, he and I..."
"I don't care!" Plan responded. "Look, you and I are nothing to each other but just class partners. So you don't have to explain yourself to me, so let's keep it that way. From now on, we'll only work here in class, no need to go to my dorm or your house. We'll finish this project and that's it, it will be over for us."
Mean felt hurt when he heard that, but why? He wondered. He didn't want to end things with Plan.
"Is that what you really want?"

My comments: I'm happy that people have taken an interest on my story. Hope y'all continue to read it. Thank you all!

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