Fans & Clubs & Fan Clubs

Start from the beginning

Once they were on the road again, Tim went back to his sketch book. Kalene got her laptop to check emails, answer messages, and make sure the next venue was prepared for their arrival. She did wonder what this band meeting was about, though. 'I hope it's nothing about me!' she pushed her brows together with a sigh. She had gotten caught up in her emails that she didn't realize they had reached their first destination. Adam was hugging Austin after he boarded.

Luke urged the blond to put up his bags because they had business to discuss. It was then that Kalene put her laptop aside to hug the newcomers making Adam chuckle. Once Rob and Adam had put their bags up and everyone had found a seat, and were paying attention, Luke got down to business.

"Remember when I told you that there's a fan club in New Zealand that's been bugging some of the local venues down there?" Luke stated.

"Sort of. Why?" Austin furrowed his brows.

"Well I took Kalene's advice and did my best to persuade the venue to book us for one show. Just one in the entire country. They sold out within about three hours. I was called back asking if we'd stay another night and do a second show at that venue.

Looking at my calendar, we had nothing we had to do right away so we've been booked for two nights there. And it gets better. Hearing that a second show was added, those tickets sold out even quicker than the first! Another venue on the other side of the country wants us to play a show there. So, we've been booked for three shows in total. So far. Tickets for the second venue are selling rather quickly I've been told." Luke smiled at group.

"So, we're really going to New Zealand?" Adam's eyes lit up.

"Yep. And we'll have some time to do a little sight-seeing while we're there." Luke grinned, "A couple newspapers, the news station, and a few radio stations have been calling to book interviews. I'm working on scheduling now. We're going to be busy but we'll have plenty of time for sight-seeing too, I promise you."

"This is so awesome!" Chance high-fived his gaming buddy.

"When are we leaving?" Tim asked.

"It will be this January. We'll be there for about a week, maybe a week and a half." Luke explained.

"I am super stoked about this!" Rob exclaimed.

"Me too. This will definitely start opening up more places for you." Kalene added with a smile, "All I ask is that we get to visit Hobbiton."

"I'll be right beside you!" Adam high-fived her.

"Nerds." Austin shook his head.

"Yeah and we all know what he'll be doing." Adam retorted.

"What's that?" Austin frowned.

"Finding a fishing hole!" Rob spoke for the blond making the entire group laugh.

"Oh, ha-ha guys! I'm not that predictable!" Austin huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Austin, sweetie, you kind of are. But we love you anyways. If that's the way you want to spend your time, then that's all that matters! Enjoy the New Zealand fishing!" Kalene grinned trying to lighten the mood and ease the tension.


Waiting till January had never felt so long in all Tim's life. He hated the cold. With a passion. Going overseas, they didn't feel comfortable taking the dogs so they left them with Dena. Genesis was excited for her mother and expecting "tons and tons of touristy photos!" making everyone laugh. Kalene was stressed out making sure she'd dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's with the international stuff.

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