
345 15 5

Wednesday 15th November 2019

n.07.09: hey.

thomas.greene: do i know you?
thomas.greene: also it's 4:07am why are you awake?

n.07.09: no.
n.07.09: also you are awake to soooo

thomas.greene: whatever. why are you texting me?

n.07.09: im bored?

thomas.greene: but why me?

n.07.09: it was random pick okay?

thomas.greene: sure sure.
thomas.greene: if we're gonna text i wanna know your name

n.07.09: im newt. and clearly you are thomas.

thomas.greene: dude what the fuck how do you know that?!

n.07.09: your snap user. don't worry i don't stalk you or anything geez.

thomas.greene: oh yeah hehe.
thomas.greene: see i'd love to keep talking but i have a very important biology test tomorrow or today whatever
thomas.greene: soooooo goodnight :)

n.07.09: night tommy

so heyyyyy. wow i updated something. im really looking forward to this story because i have actually planned it and- aRgh. so yeah, enjoy this first part :)

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