Chapter 9

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The carriage stopped near the door to the grand opera house. Haytham, as you were beginning to think of him more easily, exited the carriage quickly, then turned and politely offered his hand to assist your own decent. You paused a moment before accepting it and stepping down gently. He released your hand and offered you his arm with a tilt of his head. You accepted this also. It wouldn't do to appear standoffish in public with the man that probably half of the London high society, by now, knew you were going to marry. So you made it look good. you took his arm easily, like it was something you had done many times before, though it was the first.

Haytham turned to head toward the opera house, walking at a leisurely pace. You saw a man walking quickly toward the two of you. You tightened your grip on Haytham's arm for a split second in warning, but then the man, closer now, spoke. "Sir?...Sir?... Everything all right sir?"

Haytham turned toward him when he caught his attention, "Yes, fine..." he must know this man you surmised. "I'm just preoccupied, that's all." He inclined his head down towards you slightly, as if you are what had him distracted. You knew that wasn't true, and if he was distracted you weren't the reason for it. You smiled appropriately at the gesture to play along with Haytham. But this man probably knew Haytham better than you did, and so you took his word for it that Haytham mayhaps was a bit preoccupied.

The man shrugged off Haytham's response and continued, "Don't forget your invitation. Master Birch will be meeting you inside." 

Haytham used his free hand to accept the offered card and said a simple, "Thank you."

So this man was working with Haytham, that much is now obvious to you. Perhaps this has something to do with whatever business Haytham had mentioned he had at the opera when he had invited you to join him.

"Where shall I retrieve you  once you're done?"

Haytham wasted no time responding, and in a commanding tone, "Front of the opera house. And be quick about it. I don't expect to be here long."

"I'll bring her 'round at once." The man bowed slightly and and jogged off to do just that.

So now you weren't even going to be here long enough to see the play at all? Great. But maybe it would still end up being interesting anyways. Though it did bring the question to your mind about why he brought you along at all. Was it just for appearances? 

The both of you walked towards the door, Haytham picking up his pace now, and you, with your shorter legs struggling to keep up while still looking as laid back as Haytham. You could walk fast when the situation demanded it, it was just more of a struggle for you in your dress and shoes to make it appear as natural and as graceful as Haytham was now doing. 

The Clerk standing at the door tried to stop the two of you, "Invitation please." Haytham didn't break stride at all, just took off his hat, placed the invitation inside it and handed it to the clerk without skipping a beat. The clerk called after him, "Shall I take your coats sir?" and was deftly ignored.

you heard the ushers calling for people to find their seats and one of them directed the two of you through the main doors into the seating gallery. Haytham led you towards a row of chairs that had only two free spots. He released your arm and he entered the row. The both of you shuffled past the seated people towards them, offering hushed apologies the whole way. Haytham sat, and you sat to his right. The man to your right leaned forward a bit to look at Haytham on your other side. "Evening Haytham."

You leaned back in your chair a bit to afford the two obviously acquainted men a better view of each other. "Reginald." Haytham responded. Though he seemed rather stiff in his response.

"I can't tell you how happy I was to hear they'd mounted this revival. Gay's best work by far. Have you seen it before?" The man, Reginald, asked, making some small talk, and ignoring you completely.

Haytham answered, glancing at you for a moment as he began to answer the question, and you realize the answer is more for your benefit than for Reginald's. "Once. My father brought me here as a child, though I remember little of it. And I don't suppose tonight will afford me the luxury of a proper viewing either." 

This you had already gathered though you weren't sure why. But you didn't remove your coat and made sure not to put down your bag, assuming that you were probably leaving in a moment.

"No, I'm afraid it won't." came the reply. "On to business then." he continued, glancing at you and then back at Haytham questioningly. Haytham waved for him to continue. "Do you see him?"

Haytham looked carefully around the theater, and then said, "He's seated in one of the boxes above." then you remembered something your mother had said to you a long time ago about an assassins eyes, that with the proper training they could spot targets, hiding places, and hidden treasures in a crowd full of people. Or anywhere really. you wondered if Haytham had this skill, or if this was just a memory that you had embellished over the years. You supposed that you could ask him after whatever this was was over. 

Reginald though for a moment, "The stairs are watched. You'll need to find another way up."

Haytham looked around again, "I already have." He nodded at Reginald, as if to signal that their business was done and Reginald returned his attention to the play, or at least appeared to. And Haytham turned to you. "I'm going to leave you now, I have to-" 

You cut him off by holding up a hand. "It's alright, explain later. Should I just return to the carriage that is waiting for you?" you asked. 

Haytham thought for a moment. "That might be best. I will only be a few minutes behind you." then he got up and shuffled out of the row. 

You waited a few moments, and listened to what you could of the current song, deciding that you probably would have liked the show if you had been able to stay and watch it, but then you sighed and got up and shuffled back the way you had come. You left the gallery door, and started to make your way slowly and as calmly as you could down the red carpeted stairs. You did your best to appear normal and natural, though there were some eyes that noticed you leaving, none of them lingered for longer than a glance. You were just about to the exit when you heard screaming break out and you quickly left the building, grateful for the carriage waiting there for you to step into and disappear from the crowd. 

The man who had spoken with Haytham outside the opera earlier, was sitting in the driver's seat and nodded at you. Jumping down from his perch when he saw you were coming straight towards the carriage. "Haytham said he will only be a few minutes behind me." you said, feeling it was sort of necessary to give a small explanation to why you are here without him. The man nodded again, "Aye Miss." and offered you a hand up and into the carriage. 

Hey guys! It's been a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time. <3 So sorry about the wait, but just wasn't inspired for a while. Hopefully this will keep up but obviously I can't promise anything *facepalm*.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this latest chapter! Hello my lovelies! And Bye! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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