Chapter 1

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A/N Assassins Creed 3! Yay! I've finally played one of the games! I'm a little late to the party, but I'm hooked so what can I say except you're welcome. (and if you didn't just sing that in your head, you are normal, and you should probably not follow me.)

Disclaimer: I don't own "Assassin's Creed' at all. Ubisoft owns all... wait... Abstergo! Run!!!!!!!!! Ubisoft is Evil!!!! But, we pay for the games so... Evil? Yes. Smart? Definitely. Are we okay with this? Well... ya.

You smoothed out the light wrinkles in your full, dark, almost black, blue skirt as you gracefully took the seat next to your father at the long dinner table, and readjusted the red cross at your throat. As much as you disliked your father, you would still prefer to remain nearer to him than any of the other people that had been invited to this stuffy Templar "party". You hated attending these events with your father. You would much rather stay at home, or be out running through the markets practicing blending and pickpocketing.

Your Mother was an assassin, and had begun to teach you the skills. Begun being the key word. Your mother was dead, killed when you were only 11. She had left you basically untrained. Your skill was still increasing though, due to your self inflicted practicing. Your ability to escape had increased dramatically after your mother's passing. You would try to slip your hand in someone's pocket and more often than not, you were quickly discovered. So ya, you learned how to run, hide, and blend rather quickly.

That was only when you could manage to escape your house in the first place. You lived in a mansion with your father and all of his servants. Your father was a rich man, who had aligned himself with the templars in order to gain more wealth. He wasn't really a Templar, you knew that. He was just greedy. And on top of that he thought you were still an innocent little girl.

Your innocence had vanished the moment you saw him kill your mother. You hadn't known what to do. You didn't even cry at first. The Head Maid had shuffled you off quickly, having overheard enough over the years to realize that interfering in anyway was a death sentence. The maid explained as best she could to your 11 year old mind that you needed to keep what you had seen a secret. And so you had.

You hated your father in silence. You added brick upon brick to the walls of a dark prison you were building for him in your heart. Every brick a reason to die. And you waited. Waited for the day that you would kill him. You were patient. You could wait. You wanted him to know that you knew. You wanted him to see in your eyes the depth of your hatred, and you wanted him to realize how much he deserved it.

So when the opportunity came for you to join the Templars when you turned 18 you jumped on it. Technically the opportunity hadn't come to you. The Templars being traditional and all, they did not view women with very high opinions, but you saw a chance, and you were not throwing away your shot.

(if you didn't catch that reference I swear imma find you and challenge you to a duel.)

A decently ranking Templar Official had visited your father in the mansion one evening. You hadn't been sure why, to this day you still weren't sure, but you had known who he was by the cross around his neck, and you had strode confidently into your father's office, interrupted the hushed conversation, and greeted the man. He was taken aback by your forwardness, and you quickly made your case. You wanted in. You didn't care how. You wanted to be a Templar, and you wanted his help to become one.

It took some work, but after a brief battle of wits the man had been convinced of your intelligence and decide to help you. You hadn't made it very far in the ranks by any means, really it was only a year and a half since that encounter, but you were a Templar and proud of it.

Your father was a Templar as well, and considerably higher ranking than you, but you didn't mind, You would kill him someday and all would be set right.

But you still hated the stupid parties.

The servants, or perhaps slaves, you weren't sure, brought out the food and began filling glasses with a clear white wine. You took a small sip, knowing that even with this light liquor you were very lightweight and would become intoxicated quickly. You surveyed the table watching the happy masks that the people around you were keeping expertly in place. You caught out of the corner of your eye a nod from one of the leaders at the head of the table, and suddenly your father stood from his chair and tapped his glass gathering the attention of the party goers.

"I would like to make an announcement." Your father cried over the just beginning to quiet voices. At this the voices stilled completely. "But first I wish to expound to all of you how proud I am of my daughter." You managed to force out a genuine looking smile at this instead of unleashing the cough that threatened to escape, along with the fury that had rapidly pooled in your gut at his use of the word daughter. He didn't deserve you. But he continued despite your inner ranting.

"She has overcome many obstacles in her life, and become a beautiful young woman, despite the absence of her mother." I don't even find it necessary to describe the foul words that went flying through your head at that. "My daughter," there it is again, "is a Templar, as I am a Templar. She is brave and cunning, and has followed proudly in my footsteps, as well as any son I could have asked for."

You placed a hand on your father's elbow gently, in what you knew passed as a loving daughter reciprocating the love of a father. You felt for sure, but not love. Not for him.

The people around the table, though respectful, were growing rather bored, believing this to be rather dull. But the next sentence out of your father's mouth stunned not only them, but you as well.

"And in light of this I have arranged for her to marry, Mr. Haytham Kenway. One of the Templar's finest..." Your father continued for a few moments, but you heard it only vaguely. Something about the Colonies.

You knew your face had shown your surprise. You looked up at your father, then schooled your expression to one you hoped was appropriate for the situation. Trying to play that you had known all along. You smiled, and it felt like your face had torn in half with the effort.


Let me know what ya'll think! I recently played Assassin's Creed 3 and I'm hooked. Yes, it is the only game I've played so far. Yes it was way better than the movie, which I had seen. I am totally planning on going back and playing the rest of the games now. And all I have to say for the out of orderliness is "Hamilton". I'm really into the revolutionary war era right now so... Blame it on Broadway.

My new slogan. "Blame it on Broadway". Now this is a thing. :) Your welcome lovelies!

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