Chapter 6

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Thanks to another reader I am updating again! This leads me to believe that the more you guys comment, asking for updates, the more i will be likely to update. And this is seriously not a just a plot to get more comments. Its just that if people don't tell me that they want to read more of my work, i sit here and get stuck in writer's block. so keep up the commenting and i will try to keep updating! :) luv y'all!

Mr. Kenway's expression changed instantly. He went from trying to lighten the mood to intensely focused, and very serious in a split second. His posture changed too. He leaned forward in his seat and rested his elbows on his legs and you suddenly felt like he was too close for comfort.

You realized that he did this on purpose, though probably no longer out of conscious thought. It was like muscle memory to make the people he was trying to get information out of more nervous, and more likely to reveal their thoughts.

'And it's probably working.' you thought as you leaned a bit farther back from him before you could control your reaction. He wasn't even that close! Still about 4 feet away, but the way he was studying you was enough to make it feel like he was close enough to touch by twitching your fingers.

This all happened in less than a moment. Then you spoke. It was to late to deny what he had already indirectly confirmed. "That was not what I was referring to when I said learned."

"He did beat you then." his eyes were still searching yours, and you couldn't help but avoid looking directly at him.

You sighed, "Mr. Kenway, has anyone ever told you that your intelligence is annoying?" you had meant it as a rhetorical question, a vague confirmation to his statement, and an effort to steer the conversation away from yourself, and your past. In a way it worked.

Mr. Kenway chuckled and leaned back in his chair, allowing you to begin breathing again. "Wonderful attempt at diverting my attention dear. But to answer your question, yes. It may have been mentioned a time or two during my childhood."

He paused and looked deep in thought for a moment. You said nothing, waiting for whatever was going to happen next. And then he seemed to come to some sort of conclusion. "Well, since you are clearly very intelligent, and since I have already come to a conclusion about you. I would like to hear what have concluded about me."

You were taken aback by his words. No man had ever called you intelligent. Even the ones that you had thought were very smart had for the most part ignored you. So when Mr. Kenway just up and says you were intelligent and on top of that asked for you to talk about your own thoughts was very shocking.

You saw amusement flash through Mr. Kenway's eyes for a brief moment, and then his expression was reigned back in. You also schooled yourself and quickly collected your thoughts into coherent sentences. This man had no idea what he had just asked for, and you were going to do your damned best to shock him in return.

"Well," you began, "for starters you are very charming." Here he smiled politely. You continued to speak about how he portrays himself to everyone. "You are well spoken, handsome, polite, and intelligent. Everyone seems to like you, at least to some extent."

He kept his face a picture of polite interest, and you had no way of telling if he was actually impressed or if he thought you were turning out to be just like many of the women he came in contact with on a regular basis, dainty and foolish. But here was the only chance you had to prove your intellect to this man, and you hoped to God that it worked.

"But," you emphasised, "You wear all of that like a mask. You probably have been for many years since you are so skillful at it." he raised his eyebrows in question. Aha! You got a reaction! You went on. "You didn't agree with anything that my father was saying in regards to the Beggar's Opera, which leads me to believe that you either work closely with the lower classes often, or you yourself grew up in the lower classes. You are a decently high ranking Templar, and that means you must be trustworthy, efficient, and thorough. And..."

You paused for a moment trying to decide whether or not to say this last bit, and decided, why the hell not? "And, the blood of the assassin's order runs thickly through your veins. But your loyalties truly lie with the Templars."

The silence in the room suddenly became very thick while Mr. Kenway seemed to be weighing his next words carefully. "I'm impressed." he finally said, with a nod. "I do believe that everything you said was correct. Though I am a bit disappointed that you do not think me charming in private."

"It's probably not much of a mask for you anymore." you said honestly. "When people practice things for long enough it becomes apart of them."

He nodded knowingly, then an idea struck him. "Have you been to see the Beggar's Opera yet? I hear the revival of the play is amazing."

"No. My father has not allowed it. Though, to tell you the truth, I would go without permission if it wasn't so long that I would be missed here."

"Would you let me bring you to see it? I have yet to attend the play, and actually have some business to attend to there several days from now. I could stop by and pick you up on the way if you wish to join me."

You thought about it for a moment and then smiled. Maybe this man wasn't so bad after all. "I would like that. Are we telling my father?"

He smirked. "Must we really?"


Hey guys! Getting close to where the game starts! Yay!!!!! I'm not sure how far into the game I want to take the story, because then I have to deal with the whole Kanietzio thing and I'm not sure if i should kill you or her. which do you think would be better? Let me know!

Luv Y'all


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