CHAPTER 5 ~ Headline

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Kelvin POV

The members of the board are all inside the conference room. We are summoned here to discuss about the new model of BMW car. This meeting is confidential and only the board should be first to know about this.

Its already 9:29 am here in New York with 12 hrs time difference in Manila. I've been here for two days, after this I need to attend a meeting in Hongkong for the expansion of my business.

"Mr. Goro,  what can you say about this new model?" The President asked me.

"Well,  this model is twice more advance and effecient than the 2019 unit. We've planning to release this in 2020 right?"

Everybody nodded.

"Why raise it to 4 times, I'm also a buyer of this brand and as buyer I want something different and more improved than 2019 model. Some people buy our products because of our name but we do have quality." I added.

The President smiled.

"Hmm,  well, we still have time to do that,  everybody seems okay with your suggestion Mr. Goro,  thank you". He said.

The meeting last for more than three hours.  Now I'm back in my hotel room. I just ordered food and asked them to deliver here in my room. They said I need to wait for 10 minutes.

Today's meeting is finally done. I need to prepare for my flight later going to Hongkong. My room service finally arrived.

I usually watch TV when I'm in my hotel room and play games in my hand phone when I'm bored.

I'm into watching TV when my phone started to ring. Commonly it's about my work, I let is slide for once. Then a a sound of notifications are keep on coming and its bothering me. I open one of the notification. It's a news,  I followed news site for me to be updated about anything.

The headline, my wife name is in headline. My phone started ringing again. It's my secretary, I answer his call.

"Sir, I'm sorry your wife  "

"I know, I know" I cut him off.

"Book me flight to Philippines now" I said.

I fixed my things while I'm on call. There's no direct flight going to Manila and I need a long hours of travel just to be there.

"Sir, what about your meeting in Hongkong?" He asked.

"My wife had been in accident. I need to go home." I said.

"Yes sir" he answered.

I've been reading all news that I see about Yherie's accident all throughout my flight. The truck hit the right side of our car and Yherie is sitting at the left side. When it hit by the truck,  our car spinned thrice. She's now in St. Luke Medical Hospital under observation.

The news reported that I'm on business trip and I'm not aware about the situation. The f**k, it's all over the news. Of course I knew it.

At last stop over,  I send a message to my secretary to privately pick up me in the airport and never tell the media about me coming.

Hours passed and I arrived at NAIA. I walks normally without guards surrounding me,  just not to get attention.

My secretary personally drives me to St.Luke,  it's 9 am in the morning and the accident happened earlier at 1 am. Medias are outside the hospital waiting for update from Doctors and my appearance maybe.

Doctors will make their public statement when the family permits them. Because I'm not still there, they can't say anything.

"Hello Dad" my dad calls me.

"You arrive?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm inside the car,  medias are outside." I said.

Thinking about the time they will see me. I don't even want to think about it. My head hurts.

"You need to be inside now" my dad said.

Hearing about it,  it made my heart skip a beat. They can't even tell what is the situation inside. The only information I have is her under observation. My secretary avoided my question when I asks him about the update. I should enter the hospital quickly.

"Drop me near the entrance. Make sure that media will give space so that I can enter in quick." I commanded.

My secretary did what I asked him to do. I went outside the car,  the guards immediately protects me from the media trying to clear my way in.

"Mr. Goro, what can you say about the accident?" a reporter asked.

"What is Mrs. Goro condition now?" another reporter asked.

Bunch of questions are being thrown to me and I didn't answer anything. That would be the safest moves for now. 

My secretary followed me inside. I'm on my way in nurse station to ask the room, when my secretary held my shirt.

"Follow me Sir" he said.

I remembered I have my secretary. He leads my way to the room. Yherie's Mom hug me when I entered the room. As her son, I hug her back.

"She's still unconscious, we need to wait for her to wake up in 24 hours. If she exceed, we will declare that she's in coma." Doctor said.

I'll wait.

Kelvin always wear a plain white or grey shirt at home and even inside his office.

Yherie's father is divorced to his first wife but they do have a son. Basically, Yherie have a half brother.

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