More secrets [chapter 15]

Start from the beginning

After our small hug session, we begin to eat the breakfast todoroki brought for me and him, Krypto joined us soon after he got the whiff of food.


As I'm walking on a fallen tree trunk, todoroki holds my hand as he lovingly stares up at me.

"How do you think krypto is doing?" I ask him.

"He's perfectly fine In the hands of kirishima. I think" he mutters the last part. I hop off the trunk and peck his lips, catching him off guard.

"Catch me if you can!" I say before sprinting off. I doesn't take long before he's on my tail. I giggle as I run down hill and into the blossoming meadow.

I feel the long grass scrape against my legs as I run through it, the soft touch of the yellow flowers colliding against my skin. I turn around only to see todoroki right infront of me and I squeal as he picks me up, twirling me around in the air. Laughter escapes from my throat as I stare down at his gorgeous eyes.

Todoroki holds me tightly before falling down onto the grass filled with flowers. I hug him as I continue to laugh. My hair I'd scattered around my face but that doesnt stop todoroki to smile lovingly at me and pecking my lips.


A woman is sitting on a chair near the large window infront of her. She reads a book as various pedals from a cheeryblossom tree descend down to the ground. The white door of her room gently opens as a nurse appears, catching the woman's attention.

"Excuse me Mrs (y/l/n), you have a visitor. Would you like them to come in?" the nurse softly states.

"Amy, I told you, it's not necessary to ask me permission when my daughter comes to see me. Allow her to come right in." The woman softly responds.

Amy fumbles a bit with her hands and looks back at the woman.

"But it's not lady (y/n), miss." Amy shyly states. The woman is slightly taken by surprise. She never gets visits from anyone else except from her daughter.

She takes a moment to think but her thoughts are interrupted when she heard the nurse fussing and bickering with someone at the other side of the door.

"Sir, I said to wait at the waiting lounge. Now go before I call security." She states sternly.

"No, you dont understand. I need to talk to her! Let me in! Please!" The male pleads. As he does so, his form can be slightly seen by Mrs. (Y/l/n). Her eyes widen slightly upon observing the males hair.

"Katsuki?" The woman softly speaks as she stares at the young me with hope and astonishment.

"Is that you?"

The nurse let's bakugo enter into the cozy room, he inched closer towards the woman and not long after stood right infront of her. She observed his features and stared into his ruby eyes.

Bakugo knelt infront of her and took her small frail hands into his strong large ones. He stared up at her and smiled warmly.

"Its been such a long time hasn't it?" He questioned, which the woman responded with a nod.

"I've missed you and your daughter very dearly" he continues.

Theres a moment of silence as both comfort eachother after such a long time.

Bakugo stares once again into the woman's eyes before speaking.

"Please do tell. From the very begging. Tell meeverything, tell me why you left and took off with her so abruptly and why you never told my mother or I why you left and where to."

《Small time skip》

"We left because of him, that vile man. If it wasnt for him, she wouldn't have been in the hospital, her career wouldn't have ended so abruptly, her memories wouldn't have vanished, and we wouldn't have had to leave the heart ofJapan. If my beloved (y/n) hadn't fallen so helplessly in love with that vile man's son none of this would've happened. (Y/b/n) will still be here by our side and (y/n)'s heart wouldn't mourn so passionately for him. I never met the young lad she fell in love with, she kept it a secret, but the father I do know. He confronted me about my daughter being a in a relationship with his son and being a distraction to his career. But now she's safe from that dreadful man-"

"He's here" Bakugo abruptly stated.

"What? Who?!" Mrs. (L/n) blurted out as she seemed anxious.

"Endeavor's son. Todoroki Shoto." He calmly stated.

An expression of despair and anguish spread across Mrs. (L/n)'s features. Bakugo examined her features before speaking.

"He loves (y/n) dearly. He would never do anything to harm her. Believe me, he truly loves her. When you both disappeared, it drove him insane. He questioned everyone she knew and even our teachers, bit none had an answer to his dismay. He never stopped looking until he finally found her. Of course I would've never came if it didnt overhear deku's and his conversation."

"He loves her?" The woman questioned softly which bakugo responded with a nod.

"And does she reciprocate the feelings?" She questioned once again.

"Yes, and what is even better is that (y/n) is recovering her memories." Bakugo states.

Mrs. (L/n) stares at him for a moment before a tear rolls down her cheek. She lightly classes her hand around her mouth as she cries softly.

"Thank the heavens!" She cries.

"His father is someone to be aware of, I assure you that." Bakugo adds.

"Always stand by her side and protect her until the end, like you said when you two were young and inseparable. Promise me. Please."

Bakugo clasped his hands around the woman's.

"I'll always protect your daughter, tats with I've taken. I might have broken it by not being able to be there to protect her, but I'm here now."

The sound of the door opening catches both of their attentions. There at the door stands (y/n), slightly bewildered at the sight infront of her.

"Bakugo?" She questions after a while.

"What are you doing here?" She questions as she stays in her place, observing him then her mother.

"Honey, come take a seat. I was just having a conversation with katsuki and we were just talking about you when you came in" mrs. (L/n) sweetly states.

"Katsuki? Mom, what's going on here" (y/n) questioned as she took a chair and sat beside her, her eyes on bakugo.

"Honey, I'm terrible sorry but I've never been truly honest with you. I know your memory on the past isn't the greatest and I'm sorry that we had to leave back so many important people that you deeply cared about."

"Mom, what are you trying to say? You're confusing me." (Y/n) states.

"I've made a terrible mistake by never reminding you about katsuki. About never telling you about your past"

"But mom - how does bakugo deal anything with my past. I've never met him until receantly"

"That's where you are wrong my dear, katsuki is a very important person in your life"

"How so?"

"Why honey, he is your bestfriend."

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now